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I'm looking for recommendations on wordpress themes. Must be 2-column, dark, prefer full width.
@ryanspeck it does, but Google Apps for Domains is easy to set up and I don't have to worry about mx records or anything.
@ronearlphillips nevermind. I figured it out. Just a setting problem on my part.
@ronearlphillips that's what I'm working on, but running into some slight challenges getting it working right. I'm reading up on it.
Learning how to set up all the different services I want on my domain. Email seems to be the toughest. The rest is cake. May just use gmail
@sgsaunders should I mention that Daphne aka @breagrant is on twitter as well?
@Templesmith I love the cover, but I'm anxiously awaiting the issue itself so I can enjoy the interiors :)
@sgsaunders you're crazy. That episode was crap, I tell you. However, Verheiden is coming on board with Fugitives, so I have hope.
Star Trek fans: RIP Majel Roddenberry :(


Biz Stone Evan Williams Scott Beale Robert Scoble Kevin Rose J D.J. Coffman Brian Ibbott B. Hussein Fishbones Ordinal Malaprop Chip Poutine Eloise Pasteur Sarah Lane Lonita BrianReed moo Money Michael Vu Jim Stanger Robert Llewellyn Bruce Sterling Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert SB Tateru Nino brian botkiller John M Campbell Steven Murphy Ian Levenstein John Moltz Leo Laporte Violenza Domestica Florence Chan Jo Kay Mike Kochansky Twitbin boB Rudis
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