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The road to mental clarity turned out to be: warm big socks, table surface, hot buttery toast, light, music and fuzzy pink bathrobe.
Finally working - alert, awake, and purposeful - after what feels like weeks of unfocused frustration.
Two fonts walk into a bar. Bartender says, "we don't serve your type here" so they call the serif. Ahaha!
Dealing with profound loss by watching White Chicks on cable at 5 AM.
Mom read us funny things we said as kids this weekend. It's raining: "the sky peed."
No line where I voted. 0 people ahead of me. Walked in, voted, walked out.
For those of you about to Barack, we salute you.
Upset by the lack of Internet, chocolate at the gym.
I drank so much ice cream last night.
Did all the TSA people dress up as cops for Halloween? Flying on Oct 31 surreal!
Reenacted the film Jacob's Ladder this weekend in a way you would not expect.
Self-challenge: go for 1 week without using a single exclamation point when communicating online.
Crazy lady on the street asks, "are you ready to go to the big, black galaxy?"
I'm such a bad driver that having an Obama bumper sticker will hurt his campaign.
I am going to get a McCain bumper sticker and drive like an asshole.
"The perception of beauty is a moral test." - Henry David Thoreau
Did Palin just say that McCain tapped her?
Overheard at work: "I'm about to go from 0 to BITCH in three keystrokes."
Work. Taco Bell. Sleep. Work. Taco Bell. Sleep.
Tonight's business hotel thoughtfully included "KY Intrigue Personal Lubricant" in their welcome package. Great!