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My friend Heidi, re: Twilight: "They made it seem like their love was a lot deeper because they weren't humping."
a movie invite just as I'm starting to make headway on my chores. Hmmm.
emotional turmoil - meds = 15 hours straight of sleep on the weekends. Avoiding, much? Shower and a workout, now.
Tori Amos: A Star, Born in an Hour:
Vaguely jealous of all the people with trees on top of their cars. Unrelated: finally got a urine sample from Willow! Yay kittypee!
Just asked Amato "what kind of Asian" he is. I think I'm officially drunk.
It is crowded at Stumptown. There's a video camera pointed in my general direction. Twittering to look like I'm doing something important.
You wouldn't recognize any signs of economic decline with the way people shop in the Pearl district. Expensive crap is still in high demand.
this day is all wonky. work's almost completed. hed gunna 'splody from lack of coffee. @myrrh should I bring you coffee + hugs?
@Cyclopian1 I was more thinking of just getting rid of what attracks them. But whatever floats ur boat.
Please to excuse my inability to DM-I was multi-tasking. Poorly.
@Cyclopian1 they love empty beer/wine containers, do you have any of those?
couldn't bring myself to turn down an invite to the ale fest tonight after work. beer yum!
@chavtasticjinx Yay! Thank you! I don't always feel lovely. You are very kind! :)
Meant as a compliment, but I'm dreading the "cool how your scarf matches your hair" comments today. I forgot, that's why I never wear it.
almost died of cold last night waiting for the bus. broke out the goosedown coat from Boston this morning. I don't care how stupid it looks.
@arashikami I trust you & @chavtasticjinx on this, but my pocketbook is wary - I hear she is $$$$? I currently have negative monies :(
still upset over my ruined hair, lack of apology, and extra charge. Pout. :(
I need a cookie. :-(
Sunny and fucking cold, brr! Bus get here quick plz k thx brrrr


james Bob Sullivan Portland Weather bunneh Don Park Darth Vader nostrich Stephen Harlow John Halcyon Styn Slashdot joshua k Remiel John Ballinger Paull Young PDX Pipeline Ethernight LPI_Library Eduardo de Guzman TriMet Portland Mercury Mark Colman phillygirl pmac Vanessa Molly Jurgensen ECTOPLASMOSIS! myrrh eviscero Alan Sayter Aaron John C. Worsley III