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Candlelight vigil for Mumbai, December 4, 6 PM at City Hall Plaza, Boston
#foe3 audiences *do* change across media spaces and technologies. i'll listen to daily news on the radio, but i won't buy it in itunes
"Spreadable media" makes me hungry. #foe3
@ivanovitch - maybe that's why HJ got those wacky prada frames... to differentiate!
Re: Renee's comments - mobile companies like Nokia emphasize qualitative contextual research, interesting that detergent didn't. #foe3
Renee rocked that - authenticity is a very intriguing way to approach content valuation. #foe3
#foe3 Henry "I wish I had the power to kill terms [like virality] but I don't." HJ, you're a superhero. Some things are hard to kill.
At MIT's Futures of Entertainment conference, listening to Henry Jenkins.
watching on BET
i can barely breathe at this point
folks: the onion is pretty funny right now.
@Sarolite yes it was classy. crowd, not so much. but i wouldn't be either
was just congratulated by a French friend
SMS's received are even shorter than twitters. imagine.
SMS's received: "history" "yeah" "whee" "fuckin a"
So where does this leave McCain's "[My friends]...we've got them right where we want them!"? (rekha's husband) is this all part of his plan?
my friend aamir just asked "what's BET doing right now?"
Daily Show is rocking it "So this is what the world looks like after President Bush."


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