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@KrettaJennings I thought I was the one who did things at the last minute.
@cwage hooray for my cheap camera taking AA batteries
@cwage I am unfamiliar with using a car battery in picturemakin'. please elaborate.
Scanning more old photos for flickr, listening to music from when they were taken. How did I get so many Anne Murray songs into iTunes?
@jagadiah if you can figure out who made the touchpad, there may be a driver you can install that adds the option. PITA
@irmccuskey 88% Not terrible, but not low enough to run for office.
I thought it very odd that this taqueria's decor is pixar-themed until I remembered who their neighbors are.
new favorite recipe site:
another reason to love Nate Silver :
@yiekes this one is perfect for my neighborhood
@yiekes What? No Chattanooga Chew?
Busiest Week Ever at work (what recession?) is finally over. Whew. Time for beer and goat cheese.
This is easily the prettiest weather i have seen in any November.
Dinner: Delirium Nocturnum and brie with mushrooms on crackers. Yay for new BevMo down the street.
@mccreath well, I guess that's one advantage to having a secession movement (said the guy from a state that actually did declare secession)
@mccreath States that voted in higher percentages for convicted felons than Alaska:
@cwage That was my top pick when replacing my dead P&S last month. I decided not to wait, and got the cheap Powershot A590IS. Still want.


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