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@asktonyc oh good point, there is probably no rush. Plus @rvr is trying to catch up on the Celtics game he recorded earlier.
@asktonyc guess I better officially drop what I was trying to do. I'm going to have to try again to write tomorrow. Cuz I want to watch.
@asktonyc totally forgot about it! Been busy trying to work on my paper, but instead listening to Pandora and reading food-review tweets
@astridiana I was just thinking, why am I hungry again? Why am I craving my favorite pizza and delicious hot black bean burritos?
@sujal will do... maybe mugs are also in order.
@rvr I want to make you a shirt that says "looking for a good food coma opportunity"
@sujal Aiello's in Pittsburgh just for the nostalgia, but I do love me some Antonio's in Amherst
@rvr was totally relying on him to filibuster in my behalf
@rvr dangit. P said he didn't want to watch it without me!
@rvr you guys watching Doctor Who or football or basketball?
@astridiana hee hee >:} Twitter, the great time suck!!
Hartford area tweeps might like to give @juliedixon a follow, she just arrived on Twitter. Blogs at
@asktonyc so you've seen it then? I would feel so heartwarmed to know someone in Twitterverse shares my pain
Back home, burrowing into couch with cats and kids, stuck watching Panda Go Panda for millionth time (Japan's answer to Pippi Longstocking)
@Peter_Gent correct, I am in Hartford, Connect-the-dots-icut, not London. No shopping to be had on this version of Oxford Street.
Walking to holiday party on Oxford St at fellow blogger's abode. Hosts are collecting non-perishables for the needy. Attempting sociability.
@ahynes1 agreed there are more moderate and smarter approaches, Courant seems to be in panic mode
@ahynes1 true, comment can happen elsewhere. But Perez admin made big stink about comment quality on Topix; Courant policy seems changed


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