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A friend of mine was just on a plane for 14 hours and has about another 8 hour plane ride to go. Yikes.
Is it my imagination, or did LiveJournal just go borky?
Whoops! That URL should be:
Offering up a short story to help a fellow SF writer keep her home and cover some long-lingering costs:
Chewing gum. MINTY gum. Oh, yes, there is extreme mintiness in the Scalzi household tonight, my friends.
Shooting the moon at Hearts. That's always fun.
Mourning the jeans which just gave up the ghost and in the process reminded me it's time to diet. Insert middle-aged depression here.
Figured out how to turn off aim on the Storm. Go me.
@mogloth: I think you have to search your own soul for an answer to that one.
Buying the former Jane Siberry's latest album, the first under her new name, Issa:
Seeing how it's December, I figure I can go ahead and (voluntarily) listen to Christmas songs now. I have the Jazz Holiday station on.
@jennyrae I'd wait for the software update in a few weeks, but otherwise, sure.
You know, when you have a movie on your DVR for 15 months, it's time to admit you're not going to watch it.
practicing with the storm keyboard. the SureType keyboard is not horrible.
making my first twitter from my new blackberry storm. hi!
Hanging at the hotel because the girls went to go see "Twilight," which I did not feel I needed to see at this time. Or, possibly, EVER.
Getting ready to ingest lots of free snacks.
It's amazing how huge a normal laptop seems after using a netbook all weekend long.
Stupid Verizon.


Anne KG Murphy