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I think Fareed Zakaria's show is my new favorite Sunday political program. Meet the Press isn't the same now.
Can you believe the election is only 2 weeks away? I didn't think it would ever end.
McCain got hammered on healthcare. Should have just conceded the win to Obama after the initial exchange. "His fine would be 0 John". Ouch.
@seagoat bah, what a piece of crap. You should have bought a HP. I hear they are forged out of a solid block of pure gold.
@seagoat Congrats!!! I could have saved you a doctors visit though, lol.
@patricknorton Pelotonics is a great startup BC competitor worth checking out.
Muse - Origin of Symmetry is such a great album.
Bought a pound of Indian coffee for the first time. I was very impressed, great flavor. I wonder why you don't see it around more often?
There is a guy walking down the middle of my street, daring people to hit him. I love North Park.
Insider tip: Buy Washington Mutual stock. The fundamentals of the company are strong. I have a good feeling about this one.
@seagoat I'll take that one step further and say avatars in general are vomit-worthy.
I want the "dumb" McCain back, whom I've become fond of.
Boy, there is a massive gap between how McCain talked tonight, and how he's been running his campaign.
Real debates that talk about issues are dull. Where's the one liners?? My feeble brain needs to hear sweet nothings. Drill now! Lipstick!
I thought I saw a chinchilla on the roof. It was just a pigeon. I guess that makes more sense.
@vinhhh I've been doing the same thing. MS needs to get with the program already.
Ah, she's(?) given up and now walking down to El Cajon blvd (always a smart choice).
A prostitute (who may be a man) is dancing on the corner in front of my building. Shaking her (or his) boobies at possible Johns.
@tdominey I noticed that as well. On Sunday, they didn't even have the story in the headlines section. Embarassing.
Been playing Spore most of the day. What a fantastic game, so addicting!


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