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Everyone is going to bed. Maybe I will sadly fight insomnia by playing bejeweled on the iPhone. Pathetic. At least I have 2 warm kitties ☺
@MeaganFrancis I try to do them when I per. TMI? Oh well.
Comiseration on fussy eating kids totally helps by the way. And time outs are a last result here. She usually is so hurt she stays in them.
@kimmama Let me virtually kill the crab with hugs. I know that was lame, but well intentioned. ☺
@Sundry Can we make wagers or bets?
Child asleep in bed. I am medicated, unfortunately not with tequila. Trauma over for the day. Parenting ain't for pussies.
The cats are all pissed at me because I Ferminated them. It's like they want fur balls. ☃
Oh god the screaming. Why such a big deal? I am over eacring right? Now I am crying and took 2 advil. BBL
She is now in a timeout. I want to barf. I feel like I am over reacting, but it feels horrible and I want to cry. I suck at the parenting.
@schmutzie I have a big almost full bottle of good tequila. Let's test out the "you drunk easily after weighlosssurgery" hypothesis.
Dad took over. I was turning into angry parent, which we all know is so effective. She is weeping b/c we want her to take 1 bite of meat.ONE
What in the hell did we do to make our kid such a picky eater??? Seriously! I am losing my shit here. I am in bed; angry and hiding.
@ElisaC meet me behind the gym lockers afterwards ;-)
I done put up some photos
The music from the Littlest Pet Shop DS game is making me mental. Parenting pitfall.
Name: Ottokar Udo. You can't make this shit up
@exlibris movie or game?i am beginning to think you are a huge nerdy couple and i LOVE that about you.Mark is a 3rd level Dragonkin Warlord.
@SusanW I have that Jesus action figure! You never know when you might need Him.
@debroby Hey! I just took my first Mucinex of the day. Stubborn cold. But the tree is up and I may make rumballs today. How's you?? ☺


Aubrey Sabala Amy Muller Elisa Camahort Ashley Busy Mom Debra Dean Smith Erika Jurney Lori Hylan-Cho Jenifer Hanen Jennifer Cisney Jon Deal christopher carfi mihow Whitney Brandt WilloToons Kate Schmutzie leah peterson Jen Lemen Sarah Dopp Helen Jane Jennifer Whigham Will Betheboy Meg Fowler Palinode Kristen Laurie White sarah gilbert cindi kristy Danielle Wiley Denise Tanton Jenn Satterwhite Mir Kamin Corey Chernesky
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