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I guess AMC likes me again. Just received their Mad Men calendar in the mail
Given what I now know about melanoma, I'm certain this country dodged a bullet. The relative silence regarding McCain's cancer was amazing.
@BoffleSpoffle follow link to see Christmas tree pic, posted on site. looking for better pics. wish I'd had my camera w/me!
fyi - San Francisco Christmas Tree of Hope (at City Hall). sponsored by Rainbow World Fund.
Christmas tree inside San Francisco City Hall rotunda is lovely. hung w/hundreds of origami cranes folded by children from 'round the world
@anamariecox Mona Shaw, Folk Hero to The Comcast Masses
@anamariecox you're not alone. a little old lady walked in2 a Comcast office & hammered a computer monitor. locals collected $ 4her defense.
well, heck...@ktvu San Francisco Webcaster Ends Project After Recieving Threats
wheeeee! one of my fave dance crews. @fannypak now on Twitter.
@ProgGrrl hey prog. it's loading fine for me.
@ProgGrrl broadcast nets not very good at figuring it out. too much meddling. sigh. (I've always wondered if Whedon ever pitched HBO.)
@andrewhaeg @NYTimesKristof Push to Otherize Obama. seminal, beautifully constructed op-ed on election psychosis.
omg! It's 8:40a.m. PT and I still haven't gotten past my first page of tweets!
cool! @newmediajim @dipnote thanks for the response! people of Twitter say hi to @dipnote an official channel of the State Department.
@ProgGrrl I also have more faith in Fox's Kevin Reilly. In grand scheme of broadcast net toppers, he might be the best.
@BoffleSpoffle backatcha on The Mentalist. At press tour, Heller described fascinating concept. CBS turned it in2 garden variety procedural
A top State of CA DWR official quietly encourages me to stay vigilant on levee repair/gopher infestation problem here in Marin County.
@ProgGrrl Per Virtuality & Fox perhaps reworking "as a more mainstream drama.” boy, that does NOT sound good, does it
RT @ProgGrrl Good news/bad news on VIRTUALITY... lots of random BSG info ...and the return of the frakkin' toaster:
@Toddmartens I keep sampling The Mentalist, mainly b/c of Bruno Heller & the NLP concept, but my feeling so far is that CBS dumbs it down.


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