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@Its_Me_DMB_Fan But that's so bad for you. When you gotta go, you should go.
Why does work turn into such a shitstorm at the end of the year?
Saw a man at an Xmas tree store loading his purchased tree into the side car of his motorcycle.
It was already 73 at 7:15 this morning. Nice.
DMB promotes good cardio health: when working out on a machine, just tell yourself "1 more song" - you'll get an 18 minute one (e.g. Exodus)
@Its_Me_DMB_Fan No reaction to my "Idle wood"? I thought that ironic.
@DaveJMatthews Oh oh, Dave's wound up. Or have you experienced the caffeine crash yet? (Is that what that song's about? :-)
@joshcharles For me, its jalapenos. I grow them - they grow like weeds.
@Its_Me_DMB_Fan isn't that what the internet is all about? isn't that why Al Gore invented it?
@Its_Me_DMB_Fan Mine would be "Popcorn Idlewood" (or "Popcorn Davis", from the really early years :-) )
@Its_Me_DMB_Fan I thought it was your pet's name + mother's maiden, but I guess the latter is sensitive info these days.
Just went outside to snip some basil to make pesto. It is a gorgeous 74 degrees out.
@SLessard Oh, been there. :-)
@Its_Me_DMB_Fan I'm working on learning piano, but I need to practice more. Trying to get my hands to do different things.
Making spicy tacos for dinner, with home-grown jalapenos. mmmm
Funny. I mentioned Celtics in a tweet and I am now being followed by CelticsNow. Not being followed by Comcast, though...
@BarryP13 Hopefully some time in the not so distant future
@BarryP13 Good luck with that. I had Comcast when I lived in MA and I hated them. I am so happy with Verizon Fios.
Problem is deciding which champ sports gear to wear: Sox 04, 07, Patriots SB 1, 2, or 3, Celtics. It's a good problem to have. Today: Sox 04
oh no, it is now 70.9 and i haven't left yet. Better fly...


Bill Palmer Darth Vader The Emperor Bill Clinton Barack Obama Stephen Colbert Scott Tamosunas TinaFey LeVar Burton BarryP13 Ricky Panek Matthew Price josh charles DaveJMatthews Stefan Lessard Dru wondrous_as_u Dr. Sir Greg Orwen