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Not annoyed at all, just trying to cut down on redundancy and get the most out of my RSS feeds. :]
Thinking: If a follower has their tweets automatically update on Facebook & I follow them on both, I can remove said person from one, right?
Morning snow has been replaced by specks of trash and blasting 40 MPH winds.
@listenmissy NEED CAT! get a big fat cat. Or you can borrow @Murraythecat. Maybe. I do tend to miss him.
Watching football. Rooting for Dallas. Getting ready to eat Veggie chili with the boys. Baking chocolate chip cookies later.
Trying to put the house in order even tho it's in disarray due to our impending move. I'm in home purgatory. Don't like home purgatory.
Wondering if the guys who drive Hummers realize that most everyone looking at them thinks they're douchebags.
Kidding about Curious George and wondering where the Internet left its sense of humor.
Wondering if mermaids have vaginas.
Wondering what it is about a dude that makes them think publicly blowing snot out of a nostril is OK. And to think a chick will bang him.
@keithters Listen to "This Year" and you will be sold. (I bet you guys have it on your server. I know TJ does.)
@keithters I freaking adore the Mt goats. They get me through good, bad and awesome times, troubling, you name it.
@keithters Ted Leo, Mountain Goats, Green Day, or REM?
Today, while at the playground with Em, I figured out exactly why motherhood is so very lonely and 120 characters just won't cut it.
Splicing video together while Em watches some television. TV time = sitter I don't have.
Got the song! Thank you, Ashley and Marit!
Still feeling a little uneasy about Mr. Noodle.
Wondering if any of my twitter friends have and MP3 of "I don't want to grow up" by Tom Waits readily available. Send it? Please?
Wondering if it's possible to block oneself.


Derek Powazek Michael Raichelson Sami Niemelä Chris Casciano Mia Eaton Davin Risk Krissa Jon Deal Katie Bechtold robyn paton Nate Weaver Schmutzie leah peterson Catherine Andrews Leanne Johnson ashley holtgraver reddirtroad David J. Hinson Catherine Connors supa Jill Asher Jen Chung Chair Briere Dooce Tien Mao Neil Kramer Sarah Brown Jon Armstrong jen B Torrie LM Angela Nessa Heather B. Belinda Tracey GaughranPerez merry