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V%"`{" " ^"ZI#Z# # N $J[$ $ V$R % ]% Jm%F% % ` &\m&F& ' T'Ps'F'> (RG( (Z(J) \M)J)b)^U* b*^+ Xs+T+X,Lw,>,b- c- Ps-L-J.ZY.J.^.^[/T/X 0Le0>0T0>C1b11J1^-2^2T2X=3L3P3P14R4\4>/5bm5V5J%6^o6^6T+7X7L7P#8\s8R8T!9u9b9J9^1:^: h:::dU;U;U;`; R<Nk<T<T =Ja=T=X=LW>`>>>>> d?`g?`?HP LaserJet 4000 Series PCL$,,,,$0(hH  Z 6Times New Roman RegularX($ 6Times New Roman Regular 0 '  _XGXXXXXGCommerceControlList@BBBSupplementNo.1toPart774666(#Category7"page  1  #V +##XX VJ#(3$ !  +ON  0Times New Roman Bold f  )  _ V XXExportAdministrationRegulations #XX V.#;(# V XX  VOctober_14,_Ԁ2008#V ##XX V# (3$ !  b8<3|x'ON  Z 6Times New Roman Regular'ON  Z 6Times New Roman Regular1i)(hH  Z 6Times New Roman Regular $Tahoma  x \  `&Times New Roman8 CSY_ekqw}Numbers 2Numbers1.\  `$Times NewRoman(9 Z6Times New Roman Regular 7A101 Accelerometers, other than those7A101 Accelerometers, other than thosebkN9s U(O$7E1047A994 Other navigation direction finding7A994 Other navigation direction finding7A102 All types of gyros, other than those7A103 Instrumentation, navigation equipment7A1047A104 Gyro-astro compasses and other7A104 Gyro-astro compasses and other7A9947A994 Other navigation direction finding7E104 Design Technology for the3#37=CIQYag1.a.i.(1)(a)(i)1)a)7E104 Design Technology for the7E9947E994 Technology, n.e.s., for the7E994 Technology, n.e.s., for the7E994 Technology, n.e.s., for the7B0037B003 Equipment specially designed for the7B003 Equipment specially designed for the7A1067A106 Altimeters, other than those controlled7A106 Altimeters, other than those controlledb. Integrated flight instrument systems, which7A105 Receiving equipment for Globalb. Integrated flight instrument systems, which7A1027A994 Other navigation direction finding7A102 All types of gyros, other than those7A005 Global navigation satellite systems (i.e.7A994 Other navigation direction findingb. Angular or rotational accelerometers specified7B1017E1027E102 Technology for protection of avionics7E102 Technology for protection of avionics7E994 Technology, n.e.s., for the7E1017E101 Technology, according to the General7E101 Technology, according to the General7E101 Technology, according to the General7E994 Technology, n.e.s., for the7A003.b  | 7B101 Production equipment, and otherb. Integrated flight instrument systems, which7B1027B102 Equipment, other than those controlled7B102 Equipment, other than those controlled7B102 Equipment, other than those controlled7B9947B994 Other equipment for the test,7B994 Other equipment for the test,7D1037D103 Software specially designed for7D103 Software specially designed for7D9947D994 Software, n.e.s., for the7D994 Software, n.e.s., for the7D1027D102 Integration software, as follows (See7D102 Integration software, as follows (See7D994 Software, n.e.s., for the7D1017D101 Software specially designed or7D101 Software specially designed or7D994 Software, n.e.s., for theb. Hybrid Inertial Navigation 7B101 Production equipment, and other7A1037B102 Equipment, other than those controlled7B994 Other equipment for the test,7A117 Guidance sets capable of achieving7A105 Receiving equipment for Global7A005 Global navigation satellite systems (i.e.7A106 Altimeters, other than those controlled7A115 Passive sensors for determining bearing7A115 Passive sensors for determining bearing7A116 Flight control systems (hydraulic,7A116 Flight control systems (hydraulic,7A117 Guidance sets capable of achieving7B103 Specially designed productionb. Hybrid Inertial Navigation 7A005 Global navigation satellite systems (i.e.7B1037B103 Specially designed production7B103 Specially designed production7B994 Other equipment for the test,7A103 Instrumentation, navigation equipment7A105 Receiving equipment for Global7A106 Altimeters, other than those controlled7A115 Passive sensors for determining bearing7A116 Flight control systems (hydraulic,7A117 Guidance sets capable of achieving7B103 Specially designed productionb. Hybrid Inertial Navigation 7A994 Other navigation direction findingb. Hybrid Inertial Navigation 7A005 Global navigation satellite systems (i.e.7A105 Receiving equipment for Global7A106 Altimeters, other than those controlled7A115 Passive sensors for determining bearing7A116 Flight control systems (hydraulic,7A117 Guidance sets capable of achieving7B103 Specially designed production7D101 Software specially designed or7D101 Software specially designed or7D103 Software specially designed for7D102 Integration software, as follows (Seeb. Hybrid Inertial Navigation 7A005 Global navigation satellite systems (i.e.7A008 Underwater sonar navigation systems,7A105 Receiving equipment for Global7A106 Altimeters, other than those controlled7A115 Passive sensors for determining bearing7A116 Flight control systems (hydraulic,7A117 Guidance sets capable of achieving7B103 Specially designed production7D101 Software specially designed or7D102 Integration software, as follows (See7D103 Software specially designed for7A994 Other navigation direction finding7A003.b7A005 Global navigation satellite systems (i.e.7A105 Receiving equipment for Global7A106 Altimeters, other than those controlled7A115 Passive sensors for determining bearingb. Angular or rotational accelerometers specifiedb. Angular or rotational accelerometers specifiedb. Integrated flight instrument systems, which7A004 Gyro-astro compasses, and other7A004 Gyro-astro compasses, and other7A994 Other navigation direction finding7A994 Other navigation direction finding7B994 Other equipment for the test,7A116 Flight control systems (hydraulic,7A117 Guidance sets capable of achieving7B103 Specially designed productionb. Integrated flight instrument systems, whichb. Integrated flight instrument systems, whichb. Integrated flight instrument systems, whichb. Integrated flight instrument systems, which !  _XXXX (X(#(#( ,X    *& %XXQ*CATEGORY7NAVIGATIONAND ( AVIONICS  A.SYSTEMS,EQUIPMENTAND  \ COMPONENTS \ 4    N.B.1: Forautomaticpilotsforunderwater   vehicles,seeCategory8.Forradar,see    _ _Category6. n  #& %%& +#& %%&  7A001Accelerometersasfollows(seeListof   ItemsControlled),andspeciallydesigned   componentstherefor.#& %%& #& %%&      LicenseRequirements  ~V   ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT . Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart      NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1 f MTappliesto#& %%& #& %%& N XO  X Ԁcommodities 0  MTColumn1> thatmeetorexceedthe 5  parametersof7A101. &      4 ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1O# X #N#f X X ŝ##& %%& ~#& %%&    LicenseExceptions      LVS: 4 N/A "Y!   GBS: 4 N/A Y#1"   CIV: 4 N/A 1$ #  ListofItemsControlled  %%   Unit:$value 'i!' 0  RelatedControls:Seealso%  4 h O  5  7A1016O   7 \. %Ԁand4" O  5  7A9946 O   7  . i(A"( Forangularorrotationalaccelerometers,see A)#) 4 O  5  7A001.b6 O   7 Z .MTcontrolsdonotapplyto *#* accelerometersthatarespeciallydesignedand *$+ developedasMeasurementWhileDrilling+%, (_MWD_)sensorsforusein_downhole_Ԁwell (, serviceapplications.-D(#D(# 0 D RelatedDefinitions:N/A.D(#D(#  D Items: / a.Linearaccelerometershavinganyofthe ` 81 following: 8 2  D a.1.Specifiedtofunctionatlinear  4 accelerationlevelslessthanorequalto15g,and  5 havinganyofthefollowing: p6  D  p a.1.a.  A bias stabilityofless H 8 (better)than130microgwithrespecttoafixed   9 calibrationvalueoveraperiodofoneyear;or  :  D  p a.1.b.A scalefactor stabilityofless  < (better)than130_ppm_Ԁwithrespecttoafixed X= calibrationvalueoveraperiodofoneyear; X0>  D a.2.  Specifiedtofunctionatlinear @ accelerationlevelsexceeding15g,andhavingall A ofthefollowing: B  D  p a.2.a.  A bias repeatabilityofless h@D (better)than5,000microgoveraperiodofone @E year;and F  D  p a.2.b.  A scalefactor repeatabilityof H less(better)than2,500_ppm_Ԁoveraperiodofone xI year;or xPJ  D a.3.  Designedforuseininertialnavigation (!L orguidancesystemsandspecifiedtofunctionat "M linearaccelerationlevelsexceeding100g.#& %%& J#& %%&  "N %  b. D Angularorrotationalaccelerometersspecified $`P tofunctionatlinearaccelerationlevelsexceeding `%8Q 100g.#& %%& #& %%&  8& R % #& %%& #& %%& #& %%& E#& %%&    ,%Y #& %%& #& %%& 1XX 1 #& %%& #& %%&  7A002Gyrosorangularratesensors,having ( anyofthefollowingcharacteristics(seeListof  ItemsControlled),andspeciallydesigned  componentstherefor. #& %%& ]#& %%&     LicenseRequirements  ` 8   ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT   Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart      NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1 pH  MTappliesto#& %%& ~#& %%&  `    0  MTColumn1   #& %%& H#& %%& commoditiesthatmeet   Ѐorexceedtheparameters   Ѐof7A102.   ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1#& %%& #& %%& Op  XfN  p X0   LicenseRequirementNote: Forthepurpose ! ofMTcontrolsonly,the#& %%& #& %%& termstabilityisdefined  asameasureoftheabilityofaspecific  mechanismorperformancecoefficienttoremain  invariantwhencontinuouslyexposedtoafixed ] operatingcondition.(Thisdefinitiondoesnot ]5 refertodynamicorservostability.)(IEEESTD 5  528-2001paragraph2.247)N#p  %#O#f X p##& %%& #& %%&     LicenseExceptions     LVS: 4 N/A m E   GBS: 4 N/A E!    CIV: 4 N/A "! #& %%& # & %%& ListofItemsControlled  ##   Unit:$value }%U% 0  RelatedControls:Seealso% @ 4B h O  5  7A1026O   7 \0 %@Ԁand4D O  5  7A9946 O    7 . U&- & Forangularorrotationalaccelerometers,see -'!' 4E O  5  7A001.b6!O!   7Z!.#& %%& 0#& %%& (!(   RelatedDefinitions:N/A (")   Items: )#* #& %%& "#& %%& a.A bias stability,whenmeasuredina1g e+=%, environmentoveraperiodofonemonth,andwith =,&- respecttoafixedcalibrationvalue,ofless(better) (- than0.5degreeperhourwhenspecifiedto . functionatlinearaccelerationlevelsuptoand / including100g;   0 b. D An anglerandomwalkofless(better)than ` 82 orequalto0.0035degreepersquareroothour;or 8 3  D Note:   7A002.bdoesnotcontrolspinning  5 massgyros(spinningmassgyrosaregyroswhich  6 useacontinuallyrotatingmasstosenseangular r7 motion). rJ 8 c. D Araterangegreaterthanorequalto500 " : degreespersecondandhavinganyofthe  ; following:  <  D c.1.  A bias stability,whenmeasured Z> ina1genvironmentoveraperiodofthree Z2? minutes,andwithrespecttoafixedcalibration 2 @ valueofless(better)than40degreesperhour;or  A  D c.2  An anglerandomwalkofless C (better)thanorequalto0.2degreepersquareroot jD hour;or jBE  D d.Specifiedtofunctionatlinearacceleration G levelsexceeding100_g.#& %%& P###XX%& #& %XX& %%& _ H #& %%& @*#& %%& #& %%& *# D  p     & %%& _#& %%& +#& %%&  #& %%& p+#& %%& 7A003 InertialSystemsandspeciallydesigned zRK componentstherefor.#& %%& +#& %%&   V .L #& %%& V,#& %%&  LicenseRequirements  "N  D ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT #P Control(s)         L  x CountryChart f%>R  D NSappliestoentireentry L  x NSColumn1 ' T MTappliestocommodities L 0 x MTColumn1("Vx(#x(# thatmeetorexceedthe )v#W parametersof7A103. v*N$X  D  &,%Z ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1#& %%& ,#& %%&  (  LicenseExceptions     LVS: 4 N/A  `   GBS: 4 N/A ` 8   CIV: 4 N/A 8   ListofItemsControlled      Unit:$value p  0  RelatedControls:Seealso% l 4bh O  5  7A10361O1  7b\G1%l0Ԁand4bO  5  7A99461O1  7b2. pH  InertialNavigationSystems(INS)andinertial H  equipment,andspeciallydesigned    componentsthereforspecificallydesigned,   modifiedorconfiguredformilitaryuseare   subjecttotheexportlicensingauthorityofthe   U.S.DepartmentofState,Directorateof X DefenseTradeControls.(See22CFRpart X0 121.)#& %%& c/#& %%& 0 0  RelatedDefinitions:#& %%& e4#& %%& UKUS., DataBasedReferenced  Navigation( DBRN)systemsaresystems  whichusevarioussourcesofpreviously  measuredgeomappingdataintegratedto h provideaccuratenavigationinformationunder h@ dynamicconditions.Datasourcesinclude @ bathymetricmaps,stellarmaps,gravitymaps,  magneticmapsor3Ddigitalterrainmaps.#& %%& 4#US.,UK., 5& %%&    Items:  #& %%& 47#& %%& #& %%& 7#& %%& a.InertialNavigationSystems(INS)(gimballed xP orstrapdown)andinertialequipmentdesigned for P (  aircraft,landvehicles,vessels(surfaceor ,!  underwater) or spacecraft fornavigation, "! attitude,guidanceorcontrol,havinganyofthe "" followingcharacteristics,andspeciallydesigned ## componentstherefor: $h$   a.1. 4 Navigationerror(freeinertial) @& & subsequenttonormalalignmentof0.8nautical ' ' mileperhour(nm/hr) CircularErrorProbable '!( ( CEP)orless(better);or (")   a.2. 4 Specifiedtofunctionatlinear x*P$+ accelerationlevelsexceeding10g; P+(%,  (,&- b.HybridInertialNavigationSystemsembedded (- withGlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem(s) . (GNSS)orwith DataBasedReferenced / Navigation( DBRN)System(s)fornavigation, 0 attitude,guidanceorcontrol,subsequentto  `1 normalalignment,havinganINSnavigation ` 82 positionaccuracy,afterlossofGNSSor DBRN 8 3 foraperiodofupto4minutes,ofless(better)  4 than10meters CircularErrorProbable  5 ( CEP);  6 #& %%& 8#& %%& c. D InertialMeasurementequipmentforheading pH 8 orTrueNorthdeterminationhavinganyofthe H 9 followingcharacteristics,andspeciallydesigned   : componentstherefor:  ;  D c.1.  DesignedtohaveheadingorTrue  = Northdeterminationaccuracyequalto,orless X> (better)than0.07degsec(Lat)equivalentto6arc X0? minutesRMSat45degreeslatitude;or 0@  D c.2.  Designedtohaveanon-operating B shocklevelof900gorgreateratadurationof C 1-msec,orgreater; hD d. D Inertialmeasurementequipmentincluding @F InertialMeasurementUnits(IMU)andInertial G ReferenceSystems(IRS),incorporating H accelerometersorgyroscontrolledby7A001or I 7A002,andspeciallydesignedcomponents xJ therefor.#& %%& s>#& %%&  xPK  D Note1 :Theparametersof7A003.aand (!M 7A003.bareapplicablewithanyofthefollowing "N environmentalconditions: "O  D  p a.Inputrandomvibrationwithanoverall $bQ magnitudeof7.7grmsinthefirst0.5houranda b%:R totaltestdurationof1.5hourperaxisineachof :& S the3perpendicularaxes,whentherandom ' T vibrationmeetsallofthefollowing: '!U  D  p   .1.AconstantPowerSpectral )r#W Density(PSD)valueof0.04g2/Hzovera r*J$X frequencyintervalof15to1,000Hz;and J+"%Y _ ",%Z      4 2.ThePSDattenuateswithfrequency ( from0.04g2/Hzto0.01g2/Hzoverafrequency  intervalfrom1,000to2,000Hz;      b.Anangularratecapabilityaboutone  ` ormoreaxesofequaltoormorethan+2.62rad/s ` 8 (150deg/s);or 8      c.Accordingtonationalstandards   equivalenttoa.orb.ofthisnote.       Note2: 7A003doesnotcontrolinertial pH  navigationsystemsthatarecertifiedforuseon J"   civilaircraftbycivilauthoritiesofa "  WassenaarArrangementParticipatingState,see   SupplementNo.1toPart743foralistofthese   countries.#& %%& B#& %%&      Note3:  ` 7A003.c.1doesnotcontrol Z2 theodolitesystemsincorporatinginertial 4  equipmentspeciallydesignedforcivilsurveying   purposes.  #& %%& I#& %%&   TechnicalNote: 7A003.breferstosystems l inwhichanINSandotherindependentnavigation nF aidsarebuiltintoasingleunit(embedded)in F ordertoachieveimproved_performance.#& %%& UK#& %%& #XX%& !*#& %XX#& %%& L#& %%& _  #& %%& 3M#& %%&  %  7A004Gyro-_ astro_ Ԁcompasses,andother ~ deviceswhichderivepositionororientationby ~V meansofautomaticallytrackingcelestial V . bodiesorsatellites,withanazimuthaccuracy .!  ofequaltoorless(better)than5secondsof "! arc.  "" %M LicenseRequirements  $f$   ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT >& & Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart '!( NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1 )v#*     MTappliestoentireentry   MTColumn1 N+&%,  &,%- ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 (-  LicenseExceptions  /  D LVS:  N/A  `1  D GBS:  N/A ` 82  D CIV:  N/A 8 3  ListofItemsControlled   5  D Unit:$value p7  D RelatedControls:Seealso% + 4-hO  5  7A1046ROSea  7h0S%+RԀand% . 4/O8!O  5  7A9946SOSN  7,#S%.S pH 8  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A H 9  D Items:   : Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe  < ECCNheading.  =  % C 7A005Globalnavigationsatellitesystems(i.e. 0@ _ GPS_ Ԁor_ GLONASS_ )receivingequipment,and A speciallydesignedcomponentstherefor.(These B itemsaresubjecttotheexportlicensing C authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState, hD DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.See22 h@E _ CFR_ Ԁpart121.)%CeU  @F  D Noteto7A005 :Seealso7A105and7A994. H  7A006Airbornealtimetersoperatingat zRK frequenciesotherthan4.2to4.4GHzinclusive, R *L havinganyofthefollowingcharacteristics(see *!M ListofItemsControlled).  "N  LicenseRequirements  #P  D ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT b%:R Control(s)         L  x CountryChart ' T _ NSappliestoentireentry L  x NSColumn1 ("V  D  p MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 r*J$X ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 ",%Z     0 4  44  LicenseExceptions     LVS: 4 N/A    GBS: 4 N/A  `   CIV: 4 N/A ` 8  ListofItemsControlled      Unit:$value    0  RelatedControls:Seealso% : 4<cfO  5  7A1066\O\trol  7cZ\%:\,4AcO  5  7A9946b]Ov]trol  7c] p  andCategory6forcontrolsonradar.pH    RelatedDefinitions:N/A H    Items:    a. Powermanagement;or   b.Usingphaseshiftkeymodulation. X #& %%& M# 7A008Underwatersonarnavigationsystems,  usingDopplervelocityorcorrelationvelocity  logsintegratedwithaheadingsource,havinga  positioningaccuracyofequaltoorless(better) h than3%ofdistancetraveled CircularError h@ Probable( _ CEP_ ),andspeciallydesigned @ componentstherefore.    LicenseRequirements     ReasonforControl:NS,AT xP Control(s) 4  `   0 0  CountryChart(!  NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn2 "" ATappliestoentireentry 0  ATColumn1$`$  LicenseExceptions  8& &   CIV: 4 N/A '!(   TSR: 4 N/A (")  ListofItemsControlled  p*H$+   Unit:$value  ,%- 0 D RelatedControls:4yO  5  7A00863dOGdvil  7yudԀdoesnotcontrol (- systemsspeciallydesignedforinstallationon . surfacevesselsorsystemsrequiringacoustic / beaconsorbuoystoprovidepositioningdata. 0 See6A001.aforacousticsystems,and  `1 6A001.bforcorrelationvelocityandDoppler ` 82 velocitysonarlogequipment.See8A002for 8 3 othermarinesystems.#XX%& L#& %XX 4D(#D(#  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A  5  D Items:  6 Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe pH 8 ECCNheading.#XX%& f#& %XX& %%&  H 9  %  7A101Accelerometers,otherthanthose  < controlledby7A001(seeListofItems  = Controlled),andspeciallydesigned X> componentstherefor.%9h#& %%& h#& %%&   X0?  LicenseRequirements  A  D ReasonforControl:MT,AT C Control(s)         L  x CountryChart h@E MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 G  D  p ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 I  LicenseExceptions  xPK  D LVS:  N/A (!M  D GBS:  N/A "N  D CIV:  N/A "O  ListofItemsControlled  $`Q  D Unit:$value 8& S 0 D RelatedControls:Thisentrydoesnotcontrol ' T accelerometerswhicharespeciallydesigned '!U anddevelopedas_ MWD_ Ԁ(MeasurementWhile ("V Drilling)sensorsforusein_ downhole_ Ԁwell )p#W serviceoperations.p*H$XD(#D(# 0 D RelatedDefinitions:N/AH+ %YD(#D(#  D Items:  ,%Z * x   #& %%& D(#D(#  D Items: X0? Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe A ECCNheading.#& %%& cx#& %%&  B   D TechnicalNote: Inthisentry,theterm hD stabilityisdefinedasameasureoftheabilityof jBE aspecificmechanismorperformancecoefficient BF toremaininvariantwhencontinuouslyexposedto G afixedoperatingcondition.(Thisdefinitiondoes H notrefertodynamicorservostability.)(IEEE I STD528-2001paragraph2.247)#& %%& q#& %%&  zJ  % ( 7A103Instrumentation,navigationequipment *!M andsystems,otherthanthosecontrolledby "N 7A003,andspeciallydesignedcomponents "O therefor.%(ف  #P  LicenseRequirements  b%:R  D ReasonforControl:MT,AT ' T Control(s)         L  x CountryChart ("V  D MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 r*J$X ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 ",%Z _ ԇ LicenseExceptions  (   LVS: 4 N/A    GBS: 4 N/A    CIV: 4 N/A  `  ListofItemsControlled  8    Unit:$value   0  RelatedControls:1.)Forrockets,missiles,or    unmannedaerialvehiclescontrolledunderthe p  U.S.MunitionsList(22CFRpart121),items pH  describedin4teo O  5  7A103.b6OCon  7te Ԁaresubjecttotheexport H  licensingauthorityoftheU.S.Departmentof    State,DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls   (See22CFRpart121).#& %%& #& %%& Ԁ2.)Inertialnavigation   systemsandinertialequipment,andspecially   designedcomponentsthereforspecifically X designed,modifiedorconfiguredformilitary X0 usearesubjecttotheexportlicensing 0 authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState,  DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.(See  22CFRpart121.)   RelatedDefinitions:N/A h   Items: h@ #& %%& @#& %%& a.Inertialorotherequipmentusing  accelerometersorgyroscontrolledby7A001,  7A002,7A101or7A102andsystems  incorporatingsuchequipment; x   #& %%& Ҋ# & %%& Note#& %%& # & %%& :7A103.adoesnotcontrolequipment P ( containingaccelerometersspeciallydesigned *!  anddevelopedasMWD(MeasurementWhile "! Drilling)sensorsforuseindownholewell "" servicesoperations. ## #& %%& S#& %%& %  b.Integratedflightinstrumentsystems,which b%:% includegyrostabilizersorautomaticpilots, :& & designedormodifiedforusein rockets,missiles, ' ' orunmannedaerialvehiclescapableofachieving '!( a rangeequaltoorgreaterthan300km.%ڍ#& %%& #& %%&  (")   #& %%& h#& %%& c.IntegratedNavigationSystems,designedor r*J$+ modifiedforusein rockets,missiles,orunmanned J+"%, aerialvehiclescapableofachievinga range ",%- equaltoorgreaterthan300kmandcapableof (- providinganavigationalaccuracyof200m . CircularErrorProbable(CEP)orless.#& %%& ̏#& %%&  /  D #& %%& # & %%& TechnicalNote:#& %%& # & %%& ԀAnintegratednavigation  `1 systemtypicallyincorporatesthefollowing b :2 components: : 3 1.Aninertialmeasurementdevice(e.g.,an  5 attitudeandheadingreferencesystem,inertial  6 referenceunit,orinertialnavigationsystem); r7 2.Oneormoreexternalsensorsusedtoupdate rJ 8 thepositionand/orvelocity,eitherperiodically J" 9 orcontinuouslythroughouttheflight(e.g., " : satellitenavigationreceiver,radaraltimeter,  ; and/orDopplerradar);and  < 3.Integrationhardwareandsoftware.#& %%& L#& %%&   =  D  p     #& %%& X#& %%&  % , 7A104Gyro-astrocompassesandother 2 @ devices,otherthanthosecontrolledby7A004,  A whichderivepositionororientationbymeans B ofautomaticallytrackingcelestialbodiesor C satellitesandspeciallydesignedcomponents jD therefor.%,  jBE  LicenseRequirements  G  D ReasonforControl:MT,AT I Control(s)         L  x CountryChart zRK  D MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 *!M ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 "O  LicenseExceptions  $bQ  D LVS:  N/A :& S  D GBS:  N/A ' T  D CIV:  N/A '!U  D  p   ListofItemsControlled  )r#W  D Unit:$value J+"%Y 0 D RelatedControls:Thisentrycontrols ",%ZD(#D(# speciallydesignedcomponentsforgyroastro ( compassesandotherdevicescontrolledby  4leO  5  7A0046YOm   7ry. 0  RelatedDefinitions:N/A   Items:  ` Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe 8  ECCNheading.    % > 7A105ReceivingequipmentforGlobal p  NavigationSatelliteSystems(GNNS)(e.g.GPS, pH  GLONASS,orGalileo)havinganyofthe H  followingcharacteristics,andspecially    designedcomponentstherefor.(Theseitems   aresubjecttotheexportlicensingauthorityof   theU.S.DepartmentofState,Directorateof   DefenseTradeControls.See22CFRpart121.)%>  X   #& %%& #1.Designedormodifiedforusein missiles;or 0 2.Designedormodifiedforairborneapplications  andhavinganyofthefollowing:    a.Capableofprovidingnavigation h@ informationatspeedsinexcessof600m/s(1,165 @ nauticalmph);    b.Employingdecryption,designedor  modifiedformilitaryorgovernmentalservices,to x gainaccesstoGNSSsecuredsignal/data;or xP   c.Beingspeciallydesignedtoemployanti (!  jamfeatures(e.g.nullsteeringantennaor "! electronicallysteerableantenna)tofunctioninan "" environmentofactiveorpassivecountermeasures. ##  Noteto7A105: Seealso7A005and7A994 `%8%  % ; 7A106Altimeters,otherthanthosecontrolled '!( by7A006,ofradarorlaserradartype, (") designedormodifiedforusein missiles. )r#* (Theseitemsaresubjecttotheexportlicensing r*J$+ authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState, J+"%, DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.See22 ",%- CFRpart121.)%;  (-  & %%& 7A107Threeaxismagneticheadingsensors 0 havingallofthefollowingcharacteristics,and  `1 speciallydesignedcomponentstherefor.  ` 82  LicenseRequirements   4  D ReasonforControl:󀀀MT,AT   6  Control(s)        CountryChart  pH 8  MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1   :  D  p ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1  <  LicenseExceptions  X>   D LVS:  N/A 0@  D GBS:  N/A A  D CIV:  N/A B  ListofItemsControlled  hD  D Unit:$value @F  D RelatedControls:N/A G  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A H  D Items:  I  a.Internaltiltcompensationinpitch(+/-90 xPK degrees)androll(+/-180degrees)axes; P (L b.Capableofprovidingazimuthalaccuracybetter "N (less)than0.5degreesrmsatlatitudesof+/-80 "O degrees,referencedtolocalmagneticfield;and  #P  c.Designedormodifiedtobeintegratedwith `%8R flightcontrolandnavigationsystems. 8& S   D Note: Flightcontrolandnavigationsystems '!U in7A107includegyrostabilizers,automaticpilots ("V andinertialnavigationsystems.#& %%& դ# )r#W  D % s 7A115Passivesensorsfordeterminingbearing ",%Z tospecificelectromagneticsource(direction ( findingequipment)orterraincharacteristics%s8,  designedormodifiedforusein missiles.  (Theseitemsaresubjecttotheexportlicensing  authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState,  ` DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.See22 ` 8 CFRpart121.)  8   % u 7A116Flightcontrolsystems(hydraulic,    mechanical,electro-optical,or p  electro-mechanicalflightcontrolsystems pH  (includingfly-by-wiresystems)andattitude H  controlequipment)designedormodifiedfor     missiles%uV.(Theseitemsaresubjecttothe   exportlicensingauthorityoftheU.S.   DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense   TradeControls.See22CFRpart121.)  X  % o 7A117 Guidancesetscapableofachieving  systemaccuracyof3.33%orlessoftherange  (e.g.,a CEPof10kmorlessatarangeof  300km)%o.(Theseitemsaresubjecttotheexport h licensingauthorityoftheU.S.Departmentof h@ State,DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls. @ See22CFRpart121.)    % ! 7A994Othernavigationdirectionfinding x equipment,airbornecommunication xP equipment,allaircraftinertialnavigation P ( systemsnotcontrolledunder7A003or7A103, (!  andotheravionicequipment,includingparts "! andcomponents,n.e.s.%!  ""  LicenseRequirements  $`$   ReasonforControl:RS,AT 8& & Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart '!(   RSappliesto0 ` 0 ` ` 0  0  0  RSColumn1)p#* QRS11-00100-100/101and p*H$+ QRS1100050443/569 H+ %, MicromachinedAngular  ,%- RateSensors.SeeRelated (- Controls. . ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 0  D LicenseRequirementNotes: & %%& Thereisnode ` 82 minimislevelforforeign-madecommercial < 3 primaryorstandbyinstrumentsystemsthat  4 integrateQRS11-00100-100/101orcommercial  5 automaticflightcontrolsystemsthatintegrate  6 QRS11-00050-443/569MicromachinedAngular t7 RateSensors(see734.4(a)oftheEAR).#& %%& #Ԁ tL 8  LicenseExceptions  $ :  D LVS:  N/A  <  D GBS:  N/A  =  D CIV:  N/A \>  D  p   ListofItemsControlled  4 @  D  p        D Unit:$value B 0 D RelatedControls:& %%& QRS11Micromachined C AngularRateSensorsaresubjecttothe lD exportlicensingjurisdictionoftheU.S. lDE DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense DF TradeControls,unlessthe G QRS11-00100-100/101isintegratedintoand H includedasanintegralpartofacommercial I primaryorstandbyinstrumentsystemofthe |J typedescribedinECCN4 PO  5  7A9946O   7'D,oraircraftof |TK thetypedescribedinECCN9A991that T ,L incorporatessuchsystems,orisexported ,!M solelyforintegrationintosuchasystem;or "N theQRS11-00050-443/569isintegratedinto "O anautomaticflightcontrolsystemofthetype #P describedinECCN4 O  5  7A9946OѾ   7' ,oraircraftofthe $dQ typedescribedinECCN9A991that d%<R incorporatessuchsystems,orareexported <& S solelyforintegrationintosuchasystem. ' T (SeeCommodityJurisdictionrequirementsin '!U 22CFRParts121;CategoryVIII(e),Note(1)) ("V Inthelattercase,suchitemsaresubjecttothe )t#W licensingjurisdictionoftheDepartmentof t*L$X Commerce.Technologyspecifictothe L+$%Y developmentandproductionofQRS11 $,%ZD(#D(# sensorsremainssubjecttothelicensing ( jurisdictionoftheDepartmentofState.#& %%& #   & %%& RelatedDefinitions:N/A    Items:  Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe ` 8 ECCNheading. 8    B.TEST,INSPECTIONAND    PRODUCTIONEQUIPMENT p   i 7B001Test,calibrationoralignment    equipmentspeciallydesignedforequipment   controlledby7A(except7A994).     LicenseRequirements  X   ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT 0 Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1 h MTappliestoentireentry   MTColumn1 @ ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1   LicenseExceptions  x   LVS: 4 N/A P (   GBS: 4 N/A (!    CIV: 4 N/A "!  ListofItemsControlled  ##   Unit:$value `%8% 0  RelatedControls:1.)Seealso4kR)O  5  % F 7B1016O#  7R)=%FG,% U 4X1O  5  7B1026O  71%U 8& & and4',O  5  7B9946O   7' .2.)Thisentrydoesnotcontrol ' ' test,calibrationoralignmentequipmentfor '!( MaintenancelevelI.#& %%& #& %%& (") 0  RelatedDefinition:1.)MaintenanceLevelI: )p#* Thefailureofaninertialnavigationunitis p*H$+ detectedontheaircraftbyindicationsfrom H+ %, theControlandDisplayUnit(CDU)orbythe ,%- statusmessagefromthecorresponding (- sub-system.Byfollowingthemanufacturers . manual,thecauseofthefailuremaybe / localizedatthelevelofthemalfunctioning 0 linereplaceableunit(LRU).Theoperator  `1 thenremovestheLRUandreplacesitwitha ` 82 spare.2.)MaintenanceLevelII:The 8 3 defectiveLRUissenttothemaintenance  4 workshop(themanufacturersorthatofthe  5 operatorresponsibleforlevelIImaintenance).  6 Atthemaintenanceworkshop,the p7 malfunctioningLRUistestedbyvarious pH 8 appropriatemeanstoverifyandlocalizethe H 9 defectiveshopreplaceableassembly(SRA)   : moduleresponsibleforthefailure.ThisSRA  ; isremovedandreplacedbyanoperative  < spare.ThedefectiveSRA(orpossiblythe  = completeLRU)isthenshippedtothe X> manufacturer.MaintenanceLevelIIdoesnot X0? includetheremovalofcontrolled 0@ accelerometersorgyrosensorsfromtheSRA.AD(#D(#  D Items: B Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe hD ECCNheading. h@E  D 7B002Equipment,asfollows(seeListofItems H Controlled),speciallydesignedtocharacterize I mirrorsforring lasergyros.  xJ  LicenseRequirements  P (L  D ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT "N Control(s)         L  x CountryChart $`Q  D NSappliestoentireentry L  x NSColumn1 8& S MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 '!U ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 )p#W  LicenseExceptions  H+ %Y   ,%Z   LVS: 4 N/A (   GBS: 4 N/A    CIV: 4 N/A       4 ListofItemsControlled   `   Unit:$value 8    RelatedControls:Seealso4W1 O  5  7B1026O  71~Ԁand% Y 4[1O  5  7B9946@OT  71%Y3     RelatedDefinitions:N/A     Items:    a.Scatterometershavingameasurementaccuracy pH  of10ppmorless(better); H  b.Profilometershavingameasurementaccuracy   of0.5nm(5angstrom)orless(better).    % 8 7B003Equipmentspeciallydesignedforthe X0  productionofequipmentcontrolledby7A 0 (except7A994).%8y    LicenseRequirements     ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT h@ Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1  MTappliestoentireentry   MTColumn1 xP ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1 (!   LicenseExceptions  ""   LVS: 4 N/A $`$   GBS: 4 N/A `%8%   CIV: 4 N/A 8& &   ListofItemsControlled  '!(   Unit:$value )p#* 0  RelatedControls:#& %%& #& %%& Ԁ#& %%& #& %%& 1.)Seealso% { 4}ԐO  5  7B1036EOY_  7z!%{8,#& %%& #& %%& (this p*H$+ entryissubjecttothelicensingauthorityof H+ %, theU.S.DepartmentofState,Directorateof ,%- DefenseTradeControls(see22CFRpart (- 121)#& %%& %#& %%& )and4~ԌO  5  7B9946tO_  7v#& %%& O#& %%& .2.)Thisentryincludes: . InertialMeasurementUnit(IMUmodule)#& %%& A#& %%&  / tester;IMUplatformtester;IMUstable 0 elementhandlingfixture;IMUplatform  `1 balancefixture;gyrotuningteststation;gyro ` 82 dynamicbalancestation;gyrorun-in/motor 8 3 teststation;gyroevacuationandfillstation;  4 centrifugefixturesforgyrobearings;  5 accelerometeraxisalignstations;  6 accelerometerteststation;andfiberoptic p7 gyrocoilwindingmachines.#& %%& #& %%& pH 8D(#D(# 򀀀RelatedDefinitions:N/A H 9  D Items:   : Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe  < ECCNheading.#& %%& :#& %%&   = #& %%& U# & %%& % S 7B101#& %%& #& %%&  Productionequipment,andother 0@ test,calibration,andalignmentequipment, A otherthanthatdescribedin2B119to2B122,#& %%& #& %%&  B 7B003,and7B102,designedormodifiedtobe C usedwithequipmentcontrolledby7A001to hD 7A004or7A101to7A104.%S#& %%& #& %%&   h@E  LicenseRequirements  G  D ReasonforControl:MT,AT I Control(s)         L  x CountryChart xPK MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 (!M ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 "O  LicenseExceptions  $`Q  D LVS:N/A 8& S  D GBS:N/A ' T  D CIV:N/A '!U  ListofItemsControlled  )p#W  D Unit:$value H+ %Y 0 D RelatedControls:#& %%& #& %%& 1.)Seealso2B119to  ,%ZD(#D(# 2B122#& %%& #& %%& ,% 7 49FR1O  5  7B0036O  7U. %7,4mU. O  5  7B1026{Oprod  7 p ,and4n "O  5  7B9946+O?prod  7 m.2.)Thisentry ( includes:inertialmeasurementunit(IMUmodule)  tester#& %%& #& %%& ;IMUplatformtester;IMUstableelement  handlingfixture;IMUplatformbalancefixture;  gyrotuningteststation;gyrodynamicbalance  ` stations;gyrorun-in/motorteststations;gyro ` 8 evacuationandfillingstations;centrifugefixtures 8  forgyrobearings;accelerometeraxisalign   stations;andaccelerometerteststations.#& %%& h#& %%&     RelatedDefinitions:N/A      Items: p  Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe H  ECCNheading.#& %%& f#&}%%&     #& %%&}#& %%&  % V 7B102Equipment,otherthanthosecontrolled   by7B002,designedormodifiedtocharacterize X mirrors,forlasergyroequipment,asfollows X0 (seeListofItemsControlled).%V  0  LicenseRequirements     ReasonforControl:MT,AT h      4  `      Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart @   MTappliestoentireentry   MTColumn1  ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1 x  LicenseExceptions  P (   LVS: 4 N/A "!   GBS: 4 N/A ""   CIV: 4 N/A ##  ListofItemsControlled  `%8%   Unit:$value ' '   RelatedControls:N/A '!(   RelatedDefinitions:N/A (")   Items: )p#* a.0  Scatterometershavingathresholdaccuracyof H+ %, 10ppmorless(better). ,%- Їb.0 D Reflectometershavingathresholdaccuracyof (- 50ppmorless(better)..D(#D(# c.0 D Prolifometershavingathresholdaccuracyof 0 0.5nm(5angstrom)orless(better).#& %%& #& %%&  `1D(#D(#  % | 7B103Speciallydesigned production  4 facilitiesforequipmentcontrolledby7A117.  5 (Theseitemsaresubjecttotheexportlicensing  6 authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState, p7 DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.See22 pH 8 CFRpart121.)%|  H 9 #& %%& #& %%&  % Z 7B994Otherequipmentforthetest,  < inspection,or productionofnavigationand  = avionicsequipment.%Z  X>  LicenseRequirements  0@  D ReasonforControl:AT B Control(s)         L  x CountryChart hD  D ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 @F  LicenseExceptions  H  D LVS:  N/A xJ  D GBS:  N/A xPK  D CIV:  N/A P (L  ListofItemsControlled  "N  D Unit:$value #P  D RelatedControls:N/A $`Q  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A `%8R  D Items: 8& S Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe '!U ECCNheading. ("V    C.MATERIALS H+ %Y [RESERVED]   ,%Z Ї&   D.SOFTWARE  (  7D001 Softwarespeciallydesignedor  modifiedforthe developmentor  `  productionofequipmentcontrolledby7A ` 8 (except7A994)or7B(except7B994).  8   LicenseRequirements      ReasonforControl:NS,MT,RS,AT p  Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart H  NSappliesto software   NSColumn1   forequipmentcontrolled   by7A001to7A004,7A006,   7A008,7B001,7B002or X 7B003 X0 MTappliesto"software"for0  MTColumn1#& %%& #& %%& N X XfO  X  equipmentcontrolledfor  MTreasons.MTdoesnotapply  to"software"forequipment  controlledby7A008.O# X \#N#f X X =##& %%& ##XX%& g#& %XX& %%&   RSappliesto software   RSColumn1 |T forinertialnavigation T, systemsinertialequipment, , andspeciallydesigned  componentstherefor,for   civilaircraft.   ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1#& %%& #& %%&  d"<!  LicenseExceptions  $#   CIV: 4 N/A %%   TSR: 4 N/A &t &  ListofItemsControlled  L($"(   Unit:$value )#* 0  RelatedControls:1.)Seealso% f 4henO  5  7D10160ODng  7en!r%f#Ԁand *$+ 4ienDO  5  7D9946 O ng  7en8F .2.)The softwarerelatedto +%, % P 4j(DO  5  7A003.b6 O led  7tr8 %P ,4qld;O  5  7A0056 O ccur  7ld/ ,4O  5  7A103.b6a Ou Ԁ  7& ,4pttO  5  7A1056 O# ).  7tt Q ,4r !O  5  7A1066 O   7# ,,\&- 4tDO  5  7A1156 O    78 ,4v[O  5  7A11661OEled  7trs,4wO  5  7A1176ON/A  74,or4x4O  5  7B1036ON/A  74Ԁaresubject (- totheexportlicensingauthorityoftheU.S. . DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense / TradeControls.(See22CFRpart121.)3.) 0  Softwareforinertialnavigationsystemsand  `1 inertialequipment,andspeciallydesigned ` 82 componentstherefor,notforuseoncivil 8 3 aircraftaresubjecttotheexportlicensing  4 authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState,  5 DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.(See  6 22CFRpart121.)p7D(#D(#  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A pH 8  D Items: H 9 Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe  ; ECCNheading.  < @  <  D  p   7D002 Sourcecodeforthe useofany X0? inertialnavigationequipmentincluding 0@ inertialequipmentnotcontrolledby7A003or A 7A004, orAttitudeandHeadingReference B Systems(AHRS)(exceptgimballedAHRS)#& %%& #& %%& .#& %%& 6#& %%&   C  D  p          L LicenseRequirements  lDE  D ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT G Control(s)         L  x CountryChart I  D NSappliestoentireentry L  x NSColumn1 |TK MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 ,!M ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 "O  LicenseExceptions  $dQ  D CIV:  N/A <& S  D TSR:  N/A ' T  ListofItemsControlled  ("V  D Unit:$value t*L$X 0 D RelatedControls:1.)Seealso% b 4dennO  5  7D1026AOUng  7enb%b4Ԁand L+$%Y 4eenO  5  7D9946O)ng  7enW.2.)Thisentrydoesnotcontrol $,%ZD(#D(# sourcecodeforthe useofgimballedAHRS.( 0  RelatedDefinition:AHRSgenerallydiffer  frominertialnavigationsystems(INS)inthat  anAHRSprovidesattitudeandheading  informationandnormallydoesnotprovide  ` theacceleration,velocityandposition ` 8 informationassociatedwithanINS.8    Items:   Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe    ECCNheading. p   7D003Other software,asfollows(seeListof    ItemsControlled).     LicenseRequirements      ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT X0 Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1  MTappliesto"software"for0  MTColumn1#& %%& y#& %%& N X XfO  X h@ equipmentcontrolledfor @ MTreasons.MTdoesnotapply 1  to"software"forequipment " controlledby7A008.O# X #N#f X X ##& %%& #& %%& #XX%& #& %XX  ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1#& %%& /!#& %%&    LicenseExceptions  !d    CIV: 4 N/A <#"   TSR: 4 N/A $#  ListofItemsControlled  %%   Unit:$value t'L!'   RelatedControls:Seealso% \ 4^enO  5  7D1036t#O#  7#%\g#Ԁand% _ 4aen:!O  5  7D9946A$OU$  7.#$%_4$ L($"( 0  RelatedDefinitions:#& %%& "#& %%& UKUS.,DataBasedReferenced $)") Navigation(DBRN)systemsaresystems )#* whichusevarioussourcesofpreviously *$+ measuredgeomappingdataintegratedto +%, provideaccuratenavigationinformationunder,\&- dynamicconditions.Datasourcesinclude (- bathymetricmaps,stellarmaps,gravitymaps, . magneticmapsor3Ddigitalterrainmaps.#& %%& [%#US.,UK.,z%& %%& /D(#D(#  D Items: 0 #& %%& '#&}%%& a. Softwarespeciallydesignedormodifiedto ` 82 improvetheoperationalperformanceorreduce 8 3 thenavigationalerrorofsystemstothelevels  4 controlledby7A003,7A004or7A008;  5 b. Sourcecodeforhybridintegratedsystems p7 thatimprovestheoperationalperformanceor pH 8 reducesthenavigationalerrorofsystemstothe H 9 levelcontrolledby7A003or7A008by   : continuouslycombiningheadingdatawithanyof  ; thefollowing:  <  D b.1.Dopplerradarorsonarvelocitydata; X>  D b.2.Globalnavigationsatellitesystems(i.e., 0@ GPSorGLONASS)referencedata;or A  D b.3.DatafromDataBasedReferenced C Navigation(DBRN)systems;#& %%&}:(#&}%%&  hD #& %%&}E,#&}%%& c. Sourcecodeforintegratedavionicsor @F missionsystemsthatcombinesensordataand G employ expertsystems; H d. Sourcecodeforthe developmentofanyof xJ thefollowing: xPK  D d.1.Digitalflightmanagementsystemsfor (!M  totalcontrolofflight; "N  D d.2.Integratedpropulsionandflightcontrol #P systems; $`Q  D d.3.Fly-by-wireorfly-by-lightcontrol 8& S systems; ' T  D d.4.Fault-tolerantorself-reconfiguring ("V  activeflightcontrolsystems; )p#W  D d.5.Airborneautomaticdirectionfinding H+ %Y equipment;  ,%Z Q* Q|x Q    d.6.Airdatasystemsbasedonsurfacestatic  data;or    d.7.Raster-typehead-updisplaysorthree  ` dimensionaldisplays; ` 8 e.Computer-aided-design(CAD) software   speciallydesignedforthe developmentof    activeflightcontrolsystems,helicopter    multi-axisfly-by-wireorfly-by-lightcontrollers p  orhelicopter circulationcontrolledanti-torqueor pH  circulation-controlleddirectioncontrolsystems H  whose technologyiscontrolledby7E004.b,    7E004.c.1or7E004.c.2.   #& %%&},#& %%&      4  ` % g 7D101 Softwarespeciallydesignedor X modifiedforthe useofequipmentcontrolled X0 by7A001to7A006,7A101to 7A107,7A115, 0 7A116,7B001,7B002,7B003,7B101,7B102,or  7B103.%g3#& %%& 3#& %%&     LicenseRequirements  h   ReasonforControl:MT,AT @ Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    MTappliestoentireentry   MTColumn1 x ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1 P (  LicenseExceptions  "!   CIV: 4 N/A ##   TSR: 4 N/A $`$  ListofItemsControlled  8& &   Unit:$value ' ' 0  RelatedControls:1.)The softwarerelated '!( to4yO  5  7A003.b68O8mput  7p8,4zO  5  7A0056;9OO9mput  7}9,4@O  5  7A103.b69O9t  7@z):,4 O  5  7A1056:O:ght  7y- :,4 !O  5  7A1066A;OU;ght  7y-";, (") 4 DO  5  7A1156<O<ght  7y-8C<,4y-O  5  7A1166<O<ght  7y-<,4 O  5  7A1176Y=Om=ght  7y-=,or4 O  5  7B1036>O>ght  7y-J>Ԁaresubject )p#* totheexportlicensingauthorityoftheU.S. p*H$+ DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense H+ %, TradeControls.(See22CFRpart121.)2.) ,%-  Softwareforinertialnavigationsystemsand (- inertialequipment,andspeciallydesigned . componentstherefor,notdesignedforuseon / civilaircraftbycivilaviationauthoritiesofa 0 countrylistedinCountryGroupA:1issubject  `1 totheexportlicensingauthorityoftheU.S. ` 82 DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense 8 3 TradeControls.(See22CFRpart121.) 4D(#D(#  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A  5  D Items:  6 Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe pH 8 ECCNheading. H 9  D  p % c 7D102Integration software,asfollows(See  < ListofItemsControlled). %cB#& %%& S5#& %%&    =  LicenseRequirements  \4?  D  p ReasonforControl:MT,AT  A Control(s)         L  x CountryChart C  D MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 lDE ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 G  LicenseExceptions  I  D CIV:  N/A |TK  D TSR:  N/A T ,L  ListofItemsControlled  "N  D Unit:$value #P 0 D RelatedControls:The softwarerelatedto $dQ 4HDO  5  7A003.b6FOFatio  7rcFԀor4O  5  7A103.b6GGO[G   7*GԀaresubjecttotheexport d%<R licensingauthorityoftheU.S.Departmentof <& S State,DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls. ' T (See22CFRpart121.)'!UD(#D(#  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A ("V  D Items: )t#W a.Integration softwarefortheequipment L+$%Y controlledby7A103.b. $,%Z Їb.Integration softwarespeciallydesignedfor ( theequipmentcontrolledby7A003or7A103.a.  #& %%& RC#& %%&   % ] 7D103 Softwarespeciallydesignedfor  ` modellingorsimulationofthe guidancesets ` 8 controlledby7A117orfortheirdesign 8  integrationwith missiles.(Thisentryis   subjecttotheexportlicensingauthorityofthe   U.S.DepartmentofState,Directorateof    DefenseTradeControls.See22CFRpart121.)%]J  p   % ` 7D994 Software,n.e.s.,forthe     development, production,or useof   navigation,airbornecommunicationandother   avionics.%`L     LicenseRequirements  X0   ReasonforControl:AT  Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1 h@  LicenseExceptions     CIV: 4 N/A    TSR: 4 N/A x  ListofItemsControlled  P (   Unit:$value "!   RelatedControls:N/A ""   RelatedDefinitions:N/A ##   Items: $`$ Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe 8& & ECCNheading. ' '     E.TECHNOLOGY  H+ %, Q  ,%-  D 7E001 TechnologyaccordingtotheGeneral . TechnologyNoteforthe developmentof / equipmentor softwarecontrolledby7A 0 (except7A994),7B(except7B994)or7D  `1 (except7D994).  ` 82 #& %%& mJ#& %%&  LicenseRequirements   4  D ReasonforControl:NS,MT,#& %%& R#& %%& ԀRS,AT#& %%& qS#& %%&   6 Control(s)         L  x CountryChart pH 8 NSappliesto technology x NSColumn1   : foritemscontrolledby  ; 7A001to7A004,7A006,  < 7A008,7B001to7B003,  = 7D001to7D003 X>  D  p MTappliesto"technology"0 x MTColumn1#& %%& S#& %%& N X XfO  X 0@x(#x(# forO# X V#O  X N#p  U#N  p#& %%& U#& %%& #XX%& q!#& %XXԀequipmentcontrolledfor A MTreasons.MTdoesnotapply B to"technology"forequipment C controlledby7A008.O# X sV#N#f X X ŵV##& %%& V##XX%& 9W#& %XX& %%&  D  D RSappliesto technology L  x RSColumn1 _7F forinertialnavigation 7G systems,inertialequipment H andspeciallydesigned I componentstherefor,for J civilaircraft oK ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1#& %%& X#& %%&  G!M  LicenseExceptions  "O  D CIV:  N/A $Q  D TSR:  N/A %WR  ListofItemsControlled  /'!T  D Unit:N/A ("V 0 D RelatedControls:1.)Seealso% K 4NO  5  7E1016[O\N/  7x4\%K[Ԁand )#W 4O7O  5  7E9946\O\02,  77].2.)The technologyrelatedto *g$X 4rcO  5  7A003.b6]O]ЇTh  7 Z],4 O  5  7A0056[^Oo^ЇTh  7 ^,4= @ O  5  7A103.b6_O_evel  7  I_,4 7O  5  7A1056_O_ЇTh  7 +_,4 O  5  7A1066a`Ou`ЇTh  7 `, g+?%Y 4 O  5  7A1156!aO5aЇTh  7 ca,4 /O  5  7A1166aOaЇTh  7 # b,4 O  5  7A1176ybObЇTh  7 w b,4 O  5  7B1036&cO:cЇTh  7 hc,softwarein ?,&ZD(#D(# 4 O  5  7D1016cOdЇTh  7 @dԀspecifiedintheRelatedControls ( paragraphofECCN4 O  5  7D1016dOeЇTh  7 ~3e,4 O  5  7D1026eOeЇTh  7 e.a,or  4 O  5  7D1036bfOvfЇTh  7 fԀaresubjecttotheexportlicensing  authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState,  DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls(see22  ` CFRpart121).#& %%& Z#& %%& ` 8   RelatedDefinitions:N/A 8    Items:   Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe    ECCNheading. p   7E002 TechnologyaccordingtotheGeneral    TechnologyNoteforthe productionof   equipmentcontrolledby7A(except7A994)or   7B(except7B994).     LicenseRequirements  X0   ReasonforControl:NS,MT,RS,AT  Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart  NSappliesto technology 0  NSColumn1h@ forequipmentcontrolledby @ 7A001to7A004,7A006,  7A008or7B001to7B003  MTappliesto"technology"0  MTColumn1#& %%& g#& %%& N X XfO  X x forO# X ~l#O  X N#p  _l#N  p#& %%& @l#& %%& #XX%& X#& %XXԀequipmentcontrolledfor xP MTreasons.MTdoesnotapply o G to"technology"forequipment G!  controlledby7A008.O# X l#N#f X X $m##& %%& fm#& %%& #XX%& m#& %XX "! RSappliesto technology   RSColumn1 ## forinertialnavigation $$ systems,inertialequipment %W% andspeciallydesigned W&/ & componentstherefor,for /'!' civilaircraft (!( ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1#& %%& n#& %%&  )#*  LicenseExceptions  g+?%,  ?,&-  D CIV:  N/A (-  D TSR:  N/A .  ListofItemsControlled   `1  D Unit:N/A 8 3 0 D RelatedControls:1.)Seealso% G 4I7 O  5  7E1026jrO~r02,  77!r%G]rԀand  4 4J7DO  5  7E9946>sORs02,  77$s.2.)The technologyrelatedto  5 4DO  5  7A003.b6$tO8tfor  7ft,4;O  5  7A0056tOtfor  7/u,4TO  5  7A103.b6~uOufor  7&u,4O  5  7A1056,vO@vfor  7 nv,4 !O  5  7A1066vOvfor  7#w,  6 4DO  5  7A1156wOwfor  78w,4O  5  7A1166DxOXxfor  7x,4O  5  7A1176xOyThe  7 2y,or4O  5  7B1036yOyThe  7 yԀaresubject p7 totheexportlicensingauthorityoftheU.S. pH 8 DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense H 9 TradeControls(see22CFRpart121).  :D(#D(#  D RelatedDefinitions:N/A  ;  D Items:  < Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe X> ECCNheading. X0?  7E003 TechnologyaccordingtotheGeneral B TechnologyNotefortherepair,refurbishingor C overhaulofequipmentcontrolledby7A001to hD 7A004.  h@E  LicenseRequirements  G  D ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT I Control(s)         L  x CountryChart xPK NSappliestoentireentry L  x NSColumn1 (!M MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 "O ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 $`Q  LicenseExceptions  8& S  D CIV:  N/A '!U  D TSR:  N/A ("V  ListofItemsControlled  p*H$X 0 D Unit:N/A  ,%ZD(#D(# 0  RelatedControls:Seealso46 O  5  7E9946O2 X  7h`.Thisentry ( doesnotcontrolmaintenance technology  directlyassociatedwithcalibration,removal  orreplacementofdamagedorunserviceable  LRUsandSRAsofa civilaircraftas  ` describedinMaintenanceLevelIor ` 8 MaintenanceLevelII.8  0  RelatedDefinition:RefertotheRelated   Definitionsfor7B001.    Items:    Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe pH  ECCNheading. H       4 7E004Other technology,asfollows(seeList   ofItemsControlled).     LicenseRequirements  X0   ReasonforControl:NS,MT,AT  Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    NSappliestoentireentry   NSColumn1 h@ MTappliestoentireentry, 0  MTColumn1 except7E004.a.7.  ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1#& %%& p#& %%&  x  LicenseExceptions  P (   CIV: 4 N/A "!   TSR: 4 N/A ""  ListofItemsControlled  $`$   Unit:N/A 8& & 0  RelatedControls:Seealso%  42 O  5  7E1046OՇRel  7% Ԁand% 3 45O  5  7E9946O X  7Ј%3' ' 0  RelatedDefinitions:#& %%& V#&}%%&  Primaryflightcontrol '!( meansan aircraftstabilityormaneuvering (") controlusingforce/momentgenerators,i.e., )p#* aerodynamiccontrolsurfacesorpropulsive p*H$+ thrustvectoring.#& %%&}#& %%& H+ %,   Items:  ,%- Їa. Technologyforthe developmentor (-  productionof: .  D a.1.Airborneautomaticdirectionfinding 0 equipmentoperatingatfrequenciesexceeding5  `1 MHz; ` 82  D a.2.Airdatasystemsbasedonsurfacestatic  4 dataonly,i.e.,thatdispensewithconventionalair  5 dataprobes;  6  D a.3.Raster-typehead-updisplaysorthree pH 8 dimensionaldisplaysfor aircraft; H 9  D a.4.Inertialnavigationsystemsorgyro-astro  ; compassescontainingaccelerometersorgyros  < controlledby7A001or7A002;  =  D a.5.Electricactuators(i.e.,electromechanical, X0? electrohydrostaticandintegratedactuator 0@ package)speciallydesignedfor primaryflight A control; B  D a.6. Flightcontrolopticalsensorarray hD speciallydesignedforimplementing activeflight h@E controlsystems; @F  D a.7. DBRNsystemsdesignedtonavigate H underwaterusingsonarorgravitydatabasesthat I provideapositioningaccuracyequaltoorless xJ (better)than0.4nauticalmiles.#& %%& #& %%&  xPK b. Development technology,asfollows,for (!M  activeflightcontrolsystems(including "N fly-by-wireorfly-by-light): "O  D b.1.Configurationdesignforinterconnecting $`Q multiplemicroelectronicprocessingelements `%8R (on-boardcomputers)toachieve realtime 8& S processingforcontrollawimplementation; ' T  D b.2.Controllawcompensationforsensor ("V locationordynamicairframeloads,i.e., )p#W compensationforsensorvibrationenvironmentor p*H$X forvariationofsensorlocationfromthecenterof H+ %Y gravity;  ,%Z Ї  b.3.Electronicmanagementofdata ( redundancyorsystemsredundancyforfault  detection,faulttolerance,faultisolationor  reconfiguration;    Note :7E004.b.3.doesnotcontrol ` 8  technologyforthedesignofphysical :  redundancy.     b.4.Flightcontrolsthatpermitinflight    reconfigurationofforceandmomentcontrolsfor r  realtimeautonomousairvehiclecontrol; rJ    b.5.Integrationofdigitalflightcontrol, "  navigationandpropulsioncontroldataintoa   digitalflightmanagementsystemfor total   controlofflight;     Note :7E004.b.5doesnotcontrol: Z2     1. Development technologyfor   integrationofdigitalflightcontrol,navigation  andpropulsioncontroldataintoadigitalflight  managementsystemfor flightpath l optimization; lD     2. Development technologyfor   aircraftflightinstrumentsystemsintegrated  solelyforVOR,DME,ILSorMLSnavigationor  approaches. |   b.6.Fullauthoritydigitalflightcontrolor T , multisensormissionmanagementsystems ,!  employing expertsystems; "!   N.B.: For technologyforFullAuthority ## DigitalEngineControl( FADEC),see $f$ 9E003.a.9. f%>% c. Technologyforthe developmentof ' ' helicoptersystems,asfollows: '!(   c.1.Multi-axisfly-by-wireorfly-by-light )v#* controllersthatcombinethefunctionsofatleast v*N$+ twoofthefollowingintoonecontrollingelement: N+&%,  &,%-  D  p c.1.a.Collectivecontrols; (-  D  p c.1.b.Cycliccontrols; /  D  p c.1.c.Yawcontrols;  `1  D c.2. Circulation-controlledanti-torqueor 8 3 circulation-controlleddirectionalcontrol  4 systems;  5  D c.3.Rotorbladesincorporating variable p7 geometryairfoilsforuseinsystemsusing pH 8 individualbladecontrol. H 9  D  p       4M7O  5  61OEN/  7s% L 7E101 Technology,accordingtotheGeneral  < TechnologyNoteforthe useofequipment  = controlledby7A001to7A006,7A101to 7A107, X> 7A115to7A117,7B001,7B002,7B003,7B101, X0? 7B102,7B103,or7D101to7D103.%L֠#& %%& u#& %%&   0@  LicenseRequirements  B  D ReasonforControl:MT,RS,AT hD Control(s)         L  x CountryChart @F MTappliestoentireentry L  x MTColumn1 H  D  p RSappliesto use     L  x RSColumn1 xJ ofinertialnavigation xPK systems,inertial P (L equipmentandspecially (!M designedcomponentstherefor, "N forcivilaircraft. "O ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 $`Q 0 D  p 0D(#D(# (#(#  LicenseExceptions  8& S  D CIV:  N/A '!U  D TSR:  N/A ("V  ListofItemsControlled  p*H$X  D Unit:N/A  ,%Z 0  RelatedControls:The technologyrelated ( to4 O  5  7A003.b6O/cial  7s ],4sT O  5  7A0056ɧOݧcial  7sH ,4?  O  5  7A103.b6uO{  7,4s^O  5  7A1056#O7cial  7sRe,4sO  5  7A1066ϩOcial  7s,  4sO  5  7A1156Ocial  7sѪ,4sxO  5  7A1166;OOcial  7sl },4s O  5  7A1176Ocial  7s ),4s O  5  7B1036Ocial  7sլ,software  specifiedintheRelatedControlsparagraphof  ECCN4sO  5  7D1016Ocial  7s ,#& %%& L#& %%& Ԁ4s% O  5  7D1026Ocial  7s Ԯ.a,or4s O  5  7D1036COWcial  7sԀaresubject  ` totheexportlicensingauthorityoftheU.S. ` 8 DepartmentofState,DirectorateofDefense 8  TradeControls.(See22CFRpart121.)#& %%& r#& %%&     RelatedDefinitions:N/A     Items:    Thelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe pH  ECCNheading. H   % H 7E102 Technologyforprotectionofavionics   andelectricalsubsystemsagainst   electromagneticpulse(EMP)and X electromagneticinterference(EMI)hazards, X0 fromexternalsources,asfollows(seeListof 0 ItemsControlled).%H    LicenseRequirements     ReasonforControl:MT,AT h@ Control(s) 4  `      CountryChart    MTappliestoentireentry   MTColumn1  ATappliestoentireentry   ATColumn1 xP  LicenseExceptions  (!    CIV: 4 N/A ""   TSR: 4 N/A ##  ListofItemsControlled  `%8%   Unit:N/A ' '   RelatedControls:N/A '!(   RelatedDefinitions:N/A (")   Items: )p#* a.Design technologyforshieldingsystems; H+ %,   ,%- b.Design technologyfortheconfigurationof (- hardenedelectricalcircuitsandsubsystems; . c.Design technologyforthedeterminationof 0 hardeningcriteriaof.aand.bofthisentry.  `1  % 0 7E104Design Technologyforthe  4 integrationoftheflightcontrol,guidance,and  5 propulsiondataintoaflightmanagement  6 system,designedormodifiedfor missiles,for p7 optimizationofrocketsystemtrajectory.(This pH 8 entryissubjecttotheexportlicensing H 9 authorityoftheU.S.DepartmentofState,   : DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls.See22  ; CFRpart121.)%0=#& %%& ܰ#   <  % 4 7E994 Technology,n.e.s.,forthe X0?  development, production,or useof 0@ navigation,airbornecommunication,andother A avionicsequipment.%4  B  LicenseRequirements  hD  D ReasonforControl:AT @F Control(s)         L  x CountryChart H ATappliestoentireentry L  x ATColumn1 xJ  D  p LicenseExceptions  P (L  D CIV:  N/A "N  D TSR:  N/A "O  ListofItemsControlled  $`Q  D  D Unit:N/A 8& S 0 D RelatedControls:Technologyspecifictothe ' T developmentandproductionofQRS11 '!U sensorsremainssubjecttothelicensing ("V jurisdictionoftheDepartmentofState(see )p#W ECCN4sO  5  7A9946@OTcial  7s ,RelatedControls& %%& ).#& %%& #p*H$XD(#D(# 0 D RelatedDefinitions:N/A& %%& H+ %YD(#D(#  D Items:  ,%Z ЇThelistofitemscontrollediscontainedinthe ( ECCNheading.  @   EAR99ItemssubjecttotheEARthatarenot 8  elsewherespecifiedinthisCCLCategoryorin   anyothercategoryintheCCLaredesignated   bythenumberEAR99.  (         4  `       <  h   #XX%& o##XXXXĉ#