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@jungleG me too, but you already knew that ;)
Uhh... MTA alerts says a building collapsed at 36th and Lex? Anybody know what happened?
New OS X update improves the performance and reliability of chess. Fantastic, much better than syncing Notes to iPhone.
I think Chrome 1.0 is crashing more than the Beta is. Might switch back to Firefox
just 10'd @kibbe what is this 4.65 nonsene
So far my average twitorfit score is 1.0. awesome.
Let me know if twitorfit steals your username/password like that other thing from a few weeks ago.
@rebeccaforever was able to take 6 from 68 but there was residual delays fo sho
@rebeccaforever so are you saying my subway stop will be closed?
@rebeccaforever just got an alert that there is a smoke condition at astor place... should make me an interesting commute to work
Dealing with somebody right now that clearly doesn't realize the impact his actions have on other people.
The main headline on is a story about Sean Avery, the next line says the word "sloppy." My dyslexia kicked in and I chuckled.
Kind of weird to see so many people gleeful over somebody attempting to physically harm somebody. Kind of sick actually.
@sarahcooley ooh I've never seen video of that, only read the transcript. thanks
Former WWE star Bobby Lashley makes MMA debut


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