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@nateritter These are the best. Two different systems and then the classic one-column. I would look no further.
@nateritter type in wordpress fore or aft. They all show up.
@nateritter Thesis. Hybrid. Depo Skinny.
@film_girl I'm standing by for updates.
@skinnyjeans I started reading your blogs, then put 2+2 together. It's great that you found your life's purpose work. I'm on my way there.
@skinnyjeans thanks for the nudge. It's time for brunch.
@egratto Glad you made it home without peril. Come Jan 1st, no more tweeting and driving.
@BradCoy One needs a remote while working in the office.
@aleciabatson they will learn in due time. They could've had you for a song. Alas, non-hip letters I vanquish thee.
@loudmouthman chugging to much champagne at the wrong angle can do that for you. But that's never happened to me, that is with champagne.
@KellyOlexa Trust me on that. It works.
@KellyOlexa FYI. Tip in advance. You'll get lots of free coffee.
@om The lack of healthcare is wrong especially when we spend hundreds of billions to bailout companies and fight needless wars.
@KellyOlexa You have SBX van? I thought you had a footman making deliveries on the half hour?
@Pistachio No. No, no, no. Insatiable curiosity is good. Very good. Explore. Discover.
@anitacochran Yes, very dangerous. These are perils of being a celebrity and/or public figure.
RT @om: this is depressing and just flat out wrong.
RT @cindyli: "What would you do if no one paid you? What makes you come alive? Don't be one of the dead people working."


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Rael Dornfest veen Maggie Mason davegray danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek om Gavin Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Kathy Johnson Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Aubrey Sabala Jade Andrew Wilkinson Brittany Bohnet Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Susan Scrupski Caterina Robert S Andersen Justine
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