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@SuzeMuse Well thank you - one of my fav Radiohead covers, up there with the original :)
Listening to: "YouTube - Damien Rice - Creep" ( )
Wednesday December 10 sees 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
RT from @TheExceptionMag Send us green business story tips:
Straight from the horse's mouth - 100 blog post ideas from @chrisbrogan :)
@twincident Now how can I refuse such a polite request ;-)
@BethHarte @pitchengine Definitely, think could make an interesting idea pot :)
@amabaie I think your link is cooky, David ;-)
@BethHarte @pitchengine There's a post title right there - Social Media Pot Noodle - It's a Tasty Combination! ;-)
@pitchengine Hmm, I may be pushing you for some quote snippets to use, Jason :)
@LisaHoffmann Thanking you kindly, Lisa :)
Great suggestion for blog post from @BethHarte - International PR and Social Media. That could be a doozy, Beth :)
So, I guess the next question would be: Is there anything you'd like me to write about/discuss next week for you over at Social Media Today?
Thanks everyone on the Social Media Today news - really appreciate your support and it's nice to know I keep some interested :)
@AprilTara Thanks... I think!! ;-)
@julianng Thank you kindly Juliann. Keep waiting for a recount ;-)
@AprilTara Thank you :) Now I feel under pressure to make sure I'm at least 50% more interesting than normal ;-)
@CreativeWisdom For sure, there should be a BLEEP option ;-) Strange, though - being "yourself" isn't quite the case then, huh? :)
HA! RT @twincident Thanks to your tweet, I'm now following @AmberCadabra because of her profanity! I love a good 4-letter word now and then.


Wayne Sutton Dave McClure tim malbon Chris Brogan Brian Clark Doug Haslam Aaron Post Matt Herzberger Sean McDonald Starbucks Coffee Dan Seaman Eric Friedman CenterNetworks crosby Kyle Flaherty Jeremiah Neils Brooks Rannie Turingan Darth Vader Mary Wallace Tommy Vallier Kevin Rose Todd Defren Toronto Weather Chris Thomson Chris Pugh Social Media Club Christopher Penn marc lefton Cali Lewis David Finch Drew McLellan ~julz Eric Rasmussen DEREK RICHARDSON Bob LeDrew
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