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@ariherzog haha, well I'm sure @chrisbrogan will make me cook from time to time :)
@stevegarfield thanks a lot Steve! it's fun to be joining the pirate ship that @chrisbrogan set in the water :) wait to see what we're up to
@Lgrun thank you so much! that means you'll see more of me once I move up to Boston at the end of January :)
@mariaduron yes, this has been the secret project I've been teasing everyone about :)
@mscathybrowne it is a very nice way to start the new year! New Marketing Labs is going to kill it...just wait for our announcements
@marenhogan thank you and it's not corny! I'm sure @chrisbrogan is going to make me cook a meal or two during late nights in the Lab :)
So I guess my secret finally is out..... :)
@kimferrell thank you! :) it's going to be a ton of fun. just wait to see what @chrisbrogan and I have up our sleeves for '09!
@digiphile thank you sir! @chrisbrogan and I are gonna be cooking up all sorts of awesome stuff on our pirate ship in '09!
Thank you to everyone sending me nice messages about joining @chrisbrogan :)
RT @chrisbrogan: Announcing @justinlevy as my General Manager for New Marketing Labs -
For all of those can now get Mint on your iPhone -
Fresh sliced pepperoni and hot peppers = pizza toppings for tonight. I know, I'm sorry for making you all hungry! :)
Caminito Argentinean Steakhouse, Northampton’s premier steakhouse, is celebrating their 6th anniversary of business
@just_kate I always have fun :) (usually)
@just_kate yes ma'am, we're having a holiday grilled pig roast on Monday :)
Working on finishing up the press release for our pig roast on Monday then posting on @pitchengine
Hope if anyone is traveling today that they have a safe trip! :)
@pauldv in CT about 20 mins south of Hartford
@pauldv Well have a safe drive. It's at white out conditions here


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