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@robgrant01 I'm excited to see another #TCOT so close. I'm in Flower Mound!
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too.
@PaulaBrett I know! I'd hate to try to come up with a few good band names.
Switchfoot's "This is Home" is playing-teasing me as I'm stuck in Dallas traffic. That's just plain mean. Good song and band, though.
I don't, but I'd start with the chairperson or exec director of the GA party if I were you. You should be able to get their info online.
The thumping bass of Thousand Foot Krutch makes the traffic feel like it's moving faster, even when it's not.
@ccwriter I've been dollar-cost-averaging. It's averaging about 50 cents right now. :)
@mrsorganized When I grow up I want to want to be organized. :)
@SarahNorton As someone born in Santa Clara and raised (partly) in Concord, let me be the first to say, "Thank you!".
@marianhodges Of course a quick recovery would be great. Any recovery beats further market losses. I'm protected, but thinking of others.
@wodego I hope you're right. I'm prepared in case @lotay is.
@ellenfweber You're right. Back to the positive impacts we're making in our controllable sphere. Not losing sleep about the uncontrollable.
@marianhodges Hoping the bottom is already here, but doubtful about that. Focusing on what I can control, but distracted now and then.
@Lotay I figured as much when you mentioned BDO. I was in finance in a prior life as well. Enjoy marketing much more-don't like Beta. :)
@skydiver That NWA club is one of the nicer airport clubs I've been in-at least it was a couple of years ago.
@skydiver It is huge! My kids love the amusement park. My wife loves the shopping. I loved finding a Wii Fit. Seemed almost too big though.
@MCHammer We're just hitting our stride. Keeping in healthy is key-I want to see my kids reach 75.
Market's down another 3+% today. There is a bottom here somewhere. When will we find it?
@Lotay Right-the drop in demand caused by behavior changes from $4/gal gas combined w/the drop from economy to push lower than otherwise.


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