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Note that girls on bikes is from Treehugger, our favs are here:
@bike4myLIFE that's Treehugger's title, not ours . . . and I don't disagree.
Celebrity Girls on Bikes:
@Britopian The smut guys on the strip now have body billboards.
@Britopian awesome, last year was nuts.
That MBP I'm selling, if interested, I'll bonus add a Cinema Display to it.
@ErikBecerril watch the Lady Gaga one . . .
All circuits are busy when trying to call into a telecon meeting.
Snow Days: The snow day that wasn’t in Seattle, is now one today and while that’s slowing down our blog producti..
After that storm, where we lost power for a week, Hugga HQ is prepared even for a Zombie invasion.
@mikesusz @mikesusz Mastodons are walking the earth, wooly mammoths, and people are turning round on the highway, driving opposite direction
The boy and I just did an impromptu street rap on "snow days."
Just posted on various topics, including riding at a thermonuclear level of brightness.
In contrast to Lady Gaga's strange derivative video, check Lykke Li's visual strangeness that works:
@meyerweb yes . . . you announce that you don't care if your websites validate anymore? One dampersand to many?
@mikesusz it's here now holmes, 2 + inches at Hugga HQ and snowing.
I'm skipping Blu-Ray, pass on that generation of tech, for several reason and mostly on-demand and Apple TV.
Links for 2008-12-17 []: 30 years transform China, but not its politics Looking back at the year, b..


Robb M. Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Josh Bancroft freiheit Molly E. Holzschlag Keith James Yu Aaron Gustafson Derek Featherstone Beep. BostonDave kwc Christian Heilmann Bob Clingan Leif Hansen Jason Swihart Nick Finck Andy Field John Meyer Jeffrey Zeldman    Erica OGrady joe pitkin Jeremiah Derek bibliogrrl Nicole Ramsey Darius Roberts @jdar Eric Rogers Mark Friesen Adam Turetzky Carol Todd Martini Josh Pyles Chris Scott Simon Clayson
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