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Probably late to the game, but YouTube makes its way to Google Maps
@ToddSmithPhoto loved your photo on ur site with the farming rows. pure photo or photoshopped?
@ToddSmithPhoto Thank you - I appreciate it. I am sure it was adapted many times over from someone else's stuff. But I'll take the credit!!
The day a MLM has a web site that is transparent and actually tells me what they do like a regular biz, I will sign up
@Marc_Meyer @AmberCadabra Justin never refers to himself in the third person
@jkrohrs Love it Jeff. Can't wait to see it re-open
Second social media discussion scheduled today another of our big clients. Sounds like the tide is turning for 2009. Shifting funds
@heatherrast thank you - appreciate it. Lots of commerce for B2B, but first Web 2.0 project of the year !!
Large client called today asking for a Web 2.0 and Social Media discussion for beg. of January. Definitely the way to start off 2009
man do I love Marc Cuban (entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavs). such a common sense approach to his blog
RT @adamcohen: Happy holidays to you - from my agency, Rosetta
Rosetta Christmas eCard just released. Lots of fun goodies to play around with after the video
will someone tell me what the #twittersecret is. Don't have the patience to find it by digging
@jkrohrs Jeff. Great to see you on Twitter. We need to do a Cavs game soon with Mr. Nace. We will send you open dates
anybody else see 60 minutes last night? We are about to have wave 2 of housing crisis? Got to sell my house so I can become a buyer.
@Marc_Meyer Thanks for the compliment but I prefer sand bagging instead of high expectations ;) Comments are good b/c ur discussions rgreat
@MarketingProfs Next year get some recognizable names 2 author ur predictions. What do those guys know anyways ;) Great piece!!
@justin_king after much debate, I have decided not to follow Jesus of Nazareth (@way_truth_life). I actually asked God what 2 do.
@maureenmindtime interesting. Working with a mfg co with their channel sales strategy now for a new product launch. I might agree w u-maybe


Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan julien Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Becky McCray Michael Ivey eMan Mark Bao Christopher Ware Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Nate Klaiber Laurie pageman Kevin Lim Hugh MacLeod francine hardaway Danwei Ian Hayward Jonathon D. Colman Kyle Flaherty Jeremiah Paul Fraser Neils Brooks jobacle Ike Pigott Clintus McGintus Darius Roberts @jdar Dennis Howlett Paul Walsh MG Siegler Kevin Rose Dave Brookhouser Michael Sitarzewski Steve Jobs
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