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AND the Beatles.
You know it's a good band when they end it with Elvis Costello.
Dear Air Guitar Dude, Here is your "I'm not getting laid tonight" shirt. Now please go home. Kthxbai
Getting some Dick at Peoples. Prall. Getcher mind out of the gutter.
@iowaradioguy No frownsies. What have you done for me lately?
Just so you know @Capital1063 is now my favoritest radio station ever. P.S. My loyalties can be bought. ;)
@dmann11 What a good friend you are! While you're down there, get Austin all ready for me. I'll be there to ring in 2009. :)
:) Just stirred my afternoon coffee with my pen because I'm too lazy to get up and find a spoon.
@iowardioguy Sadly for you, a trip to el bano was not something you were craving. Good luck with the premature death, etc. ;)
@schippers I guess your decision is whether or not the severance is worth it. Employment is at will. You don't have to work. But then no $.
@frojive Hee. You win. I got got.
@highsociety Do you follow @thenadas? Check recent RT about house for sale in the Dale of Beaves. Open Sunday.
I AM the #twittersecret.
@juice_tim We were 48, so I'm sure we were sitting at Subway waiting at the same time. I didn't see you. Doh!
@Capital1063, so basically, tix are actually $15 either way. Hmm...that's punkish. Not your fault. Flaws inherent in the system.
If you like yourself at all, you will go to @marscafe right now and pick up a bag of their Holiday Blend. Your mouth will thank you.
Apparently my Little Sis and I are just too cute to put online. ;)
Check out @schippers and his Little Bro at the Helping Hands Local Heros event last night.
@Capital1063 Can a person pick up Dick Prall tickets @ the door? I'm not feeling like getting bent over by 50% in convenience charges today.
Little Sis to cop as we're shopping: "O.k., I just have to know, do cops really only like donuts?" (Cops donated the $ and shopped w/kids)


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