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Fixing the EA/Steam/No DRM link from earlier:
@wilshipley Maybe it caches the audio until it can route the request thru the name recognition software?
And the shoveling is done. Yay snow.
So, in conclusion: EA > Activision/Blizzard.
Dude, no DRM on EA games via Steam?!?!!
Time to go shoveling once more. wooo...
Does anyone actually still care about Duke Nukem Forever?
Walmart is scary one week before Christmas.
Apparently, developers haven't gotten the memo yet that the Nintendo DS really shouldn't do 3D. Ever.
Batman: Archam Asylum definitely seems to be shaping up nicely.
@geekgrrl How about a compromise: for one of your presents, I got you VMWare Fusion! ;)
@geekgrrl Because then you're sad when there is nothing to do on Christmas morning. :P
@Gabrielles I'm not the one that tries to do everything in her power to find out about presents early. That's @geekgrrl.
@Gabrielles She meant that she had bought my gifts before seeing the Millenium Falcon that she linked to, I think.
@Gabrielles lol, that's least I was able to MT her a time or two. :)
Just finished the first batch of shoveling. Looks like I'll get to shovel more in the morning, too.
It sure seems like Nintendo is trying its hardest to alienate any hardcore gamers still on their platform.
Er, that's 4 ahead of myself. :-/


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