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@evansolomon I got a 500 internal server error :(
@evansolomon I am trying it now...sweet
@Digidave thanks! i really appreciate that :)
@BradHart it's custom work...isn't it sweet?
@amckinnis i don't get it...what did i typo? confused
@evansolomon yes, their twinfluence of course...any metric would rock...there are no apps for this? i can't find any but tweepletwak..
@jzb @cultvines @amckinnis you guys are goofy!
@sigepjedi also, we are not friends anymore? so says tweepletwak! :(
@sigepjedi could u make tweepletwak track followers greater than 1K (5,10K etc) also, export to xls? that would rock
wait...there aren't any tools that let you rank your Twitter followers by size? help?
i really wish 'ecstacy' would stop digging my stuff...sigh
@jeffisageek oh, good...worried me there for a minute!
Social Media in 2009: Our Predictions and Desires
undrln: highlights from (aka digg for) the world of advertising, marketing, and design
@ZeeDotMe sorry, no I was at the gym
Going to be refreshing's roster of bloggers. One new member joins this wk. Room for 1 more. Is it you?


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