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@OmegaSpreem No, I don't think so. A survey shows 50% of Facebook users left privacy setting at 'default' - they don't care.
@philbaumann Yeah, its good stuff. Facebook is a good model to use when discussing the topic of online privacy/ personal social graph.
@KimHarrison1 It's not a typo. He uses it again in the paper. If you're interested in social networks, I would recommend it. Very readable.
Facebook and the Social Dynamics of Privacy. Just read this great paper on social networks, law and privacy.
@amybeach Cool. That makes two of us. :)
Listening to The Cure's latest work '4:13 dream'.. I love it. But then again I liked every single album they ever made..
"For 50 years, he was recognized as the most important patient in the history of brain science"
@deliriousgirl You're pretty much safe if you're in America or other countries with a strong respect for freedom of speech. :)
This report shows that more online journalists are jailed worldwide than journalists in any other medium..
Uhhh. People are actually complaining that Obama's cabinet is too smart.
This addon allows displays your Firefox tabs in the sidebar with parent/child threading. For the power user.
@pedromenezes Cool. That's not bad too, but I decided to go with TinyMenu cuz I have some addons that are listed in the Menubar section.
Awesome. Just installed the TinyMenu FF addon and moved everything from my navigation bar to menu bar. One less bar!
"The humans aren't observant enough. To punish them, I'm eliminating sex!"
Resident Evil 5 came out in Japan today. Here's the demo video. It looks wicked. Damn this will be awesome.
@jrmorris @fenrislorsrai Hmm yeah. It plays a part. I don't think the nutrition impact/gap is as big as other environmental factors though..
@OmegaSpreem Education is certainly a factor. The article's conclusion for cause is "stressful environments and cognitive impoverishment"
This is interesting. Brains of poor kids function differently from the brains of rich kids. Why is this so?
@JudeKnight Supposing that it even reaches the frontpage first without getting buried by conservatives. :)


Anthony lorna Dobromir Hadzhiev Paul Terry Walhus Aaron Gotwalt Leveraged Manuel Viloria (jeff)isageek Tammy Green Sean Oliver Keith Williams Daniel Strickland Russ Thornton Gary Chris Brogan Chris Wilson Chris Marsden Brian Clark Jim Long Dean Andrew McCall Tantek Çelik Heather Tollison Julie Johnston Todd R Jordan Ray Garraud Andy Smith Robert Scoble Douglas Karr Mike Butcher Kathy Digital Spaghetti beep Karen Anderson Georgene Vanessa Stacy
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