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@johnfbraun Wll do. I do have to do some work on the trip but there's still pints to be whaffed. Send me you # again.
Getting ready for my trip to NYC. Yes!
Arrrggg! CafePress no longer works well with Mac. FAIL!
@johnfbraun Holy Crap! Were did you find a Santa hat the size of an apple...oh...wait...I get it
Thanks for the thoughts everyone. No more dying friends/family/pets/car batteries this year. OK?
Sad weekend. My half-sister's dad is in the precess of "buying the farm"
Off today! Sipping some joe in a cafe and doing some UV mapping.
Super cool musical Flash game. Weeeee! http://www.playauditorium.c...
I have found the greatest commercial EVER!
@DaveHamilton Actually it translates to "We want our paws amputated, please!"
Whoo! Heading up to NYC in a week. Can't wait to get back there.
Just registered for the MS Bike 150 2009! Booking a room early this year so I don't have to camp out.
@molaro Sorry to hear that brotha'. Welcome to working on the DeathStar!
See the doughnut bacon burger yourself-
I just saw Paula Deen make a glazed doughnut bacon egg burger. Now I'm having a heart attack
Unwrapping and cleaning up UV meshes. Very tedious
@GlamGalNC Still feeling bad on Tuesday huh? Whoo hoo, you go Sunday Girl!
@molaro PC? Tell me you didn't cross over to the dark side?! Say it ain't so!!
@molaro Where were you last night? We were all waiting @ WIld Wings?


m o l a r o Social Carolina jeremy Magid Dave Hamilton GinnySkal GlamGalNC The Brewery Bryan Chaffin John F. Braun AtomicLoveBombs