Dave Hamilton’s Favorites

Scott Simpson
scottsimpson Is it still considered "a cappella" if it's just me singing alone? In the bathroom stall? And not singing but crying? And maybe not alone?
Harry Mueller
Harry_Mueller Why is of so hard to get someone at Best Buy to sell me a new TV?
Daniel East
Chris Johnson
Andrew Stone
twittelator Best Father-Son read aloud book we enjoyed this year: Michael Chabon's Summerland (kind of Neil Gaiman for Kids)
Melissa Findley
Mercuralis Power outlets in this house are all looser than two dollar whores.
Paul Kafasis
PBones You know who never needs an abortion? Homosexuals. Can't Republicans find some way to make that work?
Dave Hamilton
DaveHamilton "Fruit company seeking self-centered, egotistical jackass to aimlessly decide the fate of small-businesses and sole proprietorships."
Jeff Questad
JeffQuestad Reality show idea: 12 computer users, with porn and cash from a Nigerian treasurer, in a penis enlargement race. Call it "American Inbox"
hotdogsladies Even when nothing is broken, syncing multiple Macs is like managing a few smart people; each has their quirks and it's still a LOT of work.
Adam C. Engst
adamengst @geoffduncan You're safe as long as you avoid French kissing. :) Anyway, last I knew, you and I and Tonya had no cavities, so we're all OK.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland How much do you have to pay a cop to forget he saw a bloodstained Tickle Me Elmo stuffed with opium? Wikipedia is like zero help over here.
Chris Johnson
captainslim Heading across the Atlantic to Cologne. I hope Germany isn't out of beer.
toni_nh I say 20 words in English. I say $, $, $, & I say hot dog! I say yes, no & I say $, $, $ and I say turkey sandwich & I say grape juice.
Peter Cohen
flargh @RandomMaccess unfortunately, I hear the only march on washington that semester was for NAMBLA.
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich Confession: I eat the garnish. It's like a whole other appetizer for free.
Jeff Gamet
jgamet 2 months of recyclables in my house, and i still can't get the trash company to deliver my bins. crazy!


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