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I have not felt this relieved in months. Going to sleep at the same time as the girls, but first a chapter of Pooh. 'Night, you.
counting my blessings and realizing I was never that good at such high numbers and tricky calculus. thanks, you. all.
@amcafee folks rave about Evernote + I'm loving it so far.
S is becoming very hoarse. She sounds like a 12 year old speaking in the cadence of a 3yo, with perhaps a touch of helium. It's awful cute.
gravitational potential energy
Going home without my laptop for the first time in, um, ever?
Dude, I lead such a charmed existence. There's a Mac authorized repair shop (Computer Loft) *right* around the corner from Shift!
@mikewills why? what's twitter? you mean like birds do?
i just started an email "d emailaddress..."'s revenue strategy for their internal microsharing app: on @touchbase
what's next?
It's fair to say that I sorta eased up on the Steve Jobs-directed namaste thoughts when I heard that.
@mattsnod you'd think so, wouldn't you? That's precisely what I asked for. Nope. "Inventory system does not permit it." How can that be?
Boston Mac consultants: can I bring you my MacBook for a hard drive upgrade/new install? Cost? Turnaround time? Ping me? Muah.
Oh and a Time Machine restore... Kthxbai
@tdefren + SHIFT to the rescue, again. Seriously owe you guys. Seriously. Thanks a TON all the others who offered backup. I'm crazygrateful
In phenomenal news, the TimeCapsule backup appears pristine: has all of the very last things I did last night/ this AM. Ridiculously glad.
We have fallback deck of slides already, I just need a landline phone and a place I can view files/access online. Currently @Cambridgeside
Nossir, they tell me, go to BestBuy for that (no, rilly). The backed up data on the time Capsule, I can grab the files I need, right? Maybe
In other news, I have roughly 1.5 hours to find a loaner computer with web access and a landline to deliver my webinar at 2. Anyone? HALP?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Krissy Bush Alissa Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Mike Champion Gary Elliott Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski hans.gerwitz DocRob Peter Berg Chris Sacca Naina Redhu Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross caroline Beau om Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal peterme
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