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Off to bed its 12:45am G'Night from Oz
@sean_ebusiness does Adnams still export beer to Australia. Used to be my favorite. Have stayed in the Swan Southwold ex UK
@threedimensions Yes its a bit annoying as you do not know who has gone! I follow some just to see what they are up to even if they do spam
@magicbug You have the nice Real Ale we have the Sun. In winter we head north to the tropics 25-28c every day Blue sky only 3200km drive
We have has a bit of rain in last 2 weeks and now i have to cut the grass I thought I had finished until July 2009 takes 8 hrs on ride on.
@magicbug Yer it can be 45c one minute then drops to 20c in 10 minutes with a big blow, thats Melbourne for you.
@iggypintado Have a good trip hope its not to cold.
@threedimensions I lost 20 followers though something like that must be a lot of the sign up now gang?
@magicbug Only tried it once I get side tracked to easy and get nothing done! Its been cold here today Summer Starts on Sunday been 12 SB 25
Google's christmas gift Santa's Search Tips http://www.santassearchtips...
20 followers just disapeared did they drop me or did twitter remove them? No idea who has gone. I can understand 1 or 2 at a time:(
@MikeMoran I took part in a survey for next PC which turned out to be the Aptiva I was into M'media ideas for Australia's largest retailer.
@MikeMoran SEO, INC Sept 2008. I have high respect for IBM staff & work quality. I was able to spend 1 day at IBM Research in UK 1990
@billhunt ust bought your book and watching one of the videos, Excelent book gave it a plug earlier post.
@mikemoran Just bought your book and watching one of the videos Excelent book gave it a plug earlier post.
@magicbug Must be if you can see. Something is better than nothing. I have a policy aim for 100% and you will get very close aim < get less
Listening to 'Organist Entertains" on BBC Radio 2 whilst having a beer for supper.
Critical Update IE7 released a few hours ago Check updates its there now.


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