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Weather outside matches my mood. Hope it's not snowing when I start my 150 mile trek home this afternoon :-/
32 minutes left...not that anyone's counting
Less than an hour til "12 hour day, the sequel" is over! Whoohoo!!
Meh. Still 2.5 hours left before I can call it quits today. For the record, 12 hour days are teh suck.
Slavin' away. Working on a PCB layout.
Done w/ the interview and back at work. "Meh" kinda sums up how I'm feeling about it all.
Home again. Trying to make headway on the presentation (on myself) I have to give at my interview Monday. Ack.
Just dragged the 'scope out for a minute. First time viewing Saturn and M42 w/ it. Both looked fantastic! Got cold, went inside.
I'm outa here in 11 minutes...not that anyone is counting
About to start the last workday of the week. Yay!
@AirPigz Rats! I just found and was about to answer! Nice work. Happy turkey day.
@n9vls At the risk of sounding like a N00b, is there a way I can do this w/o nuking everything and starting from 'bare metal'?
@n9vls I'm starting w/ the CD that came w/ the PC when new - about 5 years ago. Almost wondering if just buying a new PC makes more sense.
Anyone happen to know if making a slipstreamed SP3 disc is sufficient or do I have to install my way up to SP3?
*sigh* Looks like it's time to reinstall XP. So much for getting anything done today
@rescue_monkey I'm not planning on using it in a corporate network, just with home POP mail. Win Mobile still better you think?
Contemplating a move from Motorola Q to Blackberry Curve (8330). Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone?
@markrowan Oh well. Things going OK there?
@markrowan Audio designer/Sound engineer with SAIC, Huntsville, AL. Good luck ;-)
@SarahCofer "I ain't missin' you" would be John Waite wouldn't it?


Chris Brogan Jack Hodgson Darth Vader Cam Corey the Sysop Casey Fleser Ken Jim Grey Jeff Keni Pulver Peter Goodhall amber mac JC-209 Cali Lewis Jen Flanigan Amber Adams MA Jim Howard Laura Creekmore Scott Sigler Mike Andrews Wil Wheaton UncleFester Lance Ulanoff Andy Cook Bryan Green Michael Dell Jon Goering Jonathan Coulton Dan Costa Jetrecord Mur Lafferty Michelle Bel. Mark VandeWettering Leo Laporte Rich Casey Phil Plait
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