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First impression of leopard. Clunky or is it just the 10.5.6 update?
@leolaporte yes. The French lane disipline is great
Mac mini refurb arrived. Seemed to hang on OSX combined update :)
UPS UPS hope your on the way!
Macmini coming tommorow
@sazp alas no. Christmas eve but off until 5th Jan
House renovation list seems to be growing. The number of weekends available list however is shrinking!
Out of signal for two nights camping in woods! Last car on the ferry. Can not wait to move to mainland
@Anndra they are making me a mac tablet, netbook and a flying car
Keep checking the weekend weather forecast as if by checking it will be better!
Podcasts or radio? I prefer the former as at least the chat has some reverlance to me.
@aragorn450 I guess the big bucks are from the handsets themselves. What if an office app was developed for around $40-50?
@sazp why do we decide to follow people after reading a few lines on twitter? Strange cause most people avoid eye contact on a bus!
Cold, crisp and bright
The lavvu and stove is to tarps and fire what hammocks were to small cramped tents!
Proofed my lavvu! Just waiting for fumes to clear before lighting the stove to dry it!
100 days to baby! Now I am getting a little bit scared.


David Roth Don McAllister Adam Christianson swissmiss Apple Inc. Leo Laporte John Barton David Sparks Ken Ray Webmaster Tips DavidPogue Cult of Mac Jake Bronstein jesse_ann Saz Evernote xboogerx Andy Smith Casey Wright sconline webnerd cassie caccavallo Musa Aykac