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Watching the Stars
Actually being talked into going out to get wings. I fail at being inside all day.
I am eating a block of cheese Costanza-style!
Working from home. Caught up on Heroes and STILL enjoying it no matter what everyone else says. And Sarah Conner too.
Working from home until the roads are better. Dress code - sweats.
Best Sheldon moment EVAR!
My wife is having such an in depth discussion about WoW I had to pause BB Theory and listen. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE SAYING
@vintagecaveman I thought you were 2nd gen Brotherhood member? I've got my eye on you too
Watching Howard TV - America's Hottest Funniest Chick
Kitchen's clean and thinking of making McClays tonight. Cleaning the DVR - ER
Getting caught up on all my Creative Screenwriting podcast eps. Fav so far is Wright/Pegg on Hot Fuzz.
Hating X-Mas starts...NOW!
New blog post: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer
Rickroll Texas Stadium. All your Cowboys belong to us.
@Soniamonia Three words: Conaway of Love.
I Momma Mia will make you like dudes. I warned my wife just in case she gets any ideas.


Xeni Jardin Randy Bill Jason Alexander Kent Kathleen Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins dealingwith CNN Breaking News rstevens William Addington WordPress Paul Menard Jake McKee Jon F. Merz Scott Kurtz Chris Williams Devin Pike Sean Jackson Lea Hernandez Cali Lewis Aaron Brazell The Mia Chuck Lawson Jeff Will Betheboy Barack Obama BrianReed Daniel Dessinger sohmer FenCon Wil Wheaton Natali Del Conte Patrick Daly DB Ferguson
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