Kelly Cookson’s Favorites

Gwen Bell
gwenbell Never doubt yourself. There are people everywhere that believe in you, believe in what you do. Surround yourself with them. Help them grow.
Dan Kaplan
dankaplan I shall overtake the opponent by using the opponent against himself. It is judo of the mind.
HarryLyme But actual money the vast majority of it -needs no physical form at all, as I said it is a faith based system.I has value, when U believe it
Jennifer Ross
jenn i wonder if the amount of US gov't bailouts has reached the amount of executive bonuses skimmed during the last 8 years, yet?
Michael Sitarzewski
z3rr0 some are naive enough to believe that *their* politicians always tell the truth. truth is rare enough, much less in politics. spare me.
James C. Wong
CommunityMGR "Stasis is death to any organization. Evolve or die: It's the law of life..."
James C. Wong
CommunityMGR "Since, by definition, new ideas don't have metrics, the result is that great ideas tend to be stillborn in major companies today..."
Phil Hawksworth
philhawksworth OH: "You had me at eval()"
Andrew Crow
AndrewCrow When you ask me to think outside of the box, you'd better damn well be able to do it better than I can already.
Josh Klein
joshklein If Aerosmith wrote 1975's "Sweet Emotion" today, would it be "Sweet Emoticon"?
Dan Morelle
DanMorelle worrying is the equivalent of chewing bubblegum to solve an algebra equation.
Jackson D. Carson
jaxxonxx It's not the heat.. it's the stupidity.
Michael Sitarzewski
z3rr0 "Whenever the man sacrifices his integrity, he loses his freedom… and himself as well. He becomes an object of pity."
Daniel Newman
w1redone OH "That will kill you permanently"
David Cohen
dgcohen23 OH @missjil say: "It's ironic that on 4/20, Boulder is under a giant cloud of smoke."
Krissy Bush
krissy overheard "I'm bored & sex is always the remedy"
Evan Williams
ev Finally finished my online traffic school. That means I can start speeding again. Right?
wit At Ritual Coffee, the hand-crafted sign by the register now reads, "Please, no blogging in line."


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams E.T.Cook tommy payne Scott Beale Kevin Cawley Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Thor Muller Minger Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan Graham English Alan Weinkrantz Sarah Lewis Kuanyin Moi Samme Kent Yan Pritzker             whurley jes Connie Reece Jupe ~C4Chaos Michael Sitarzewski Jasmine Jacob Stetser Ryan Oelke David Armano Siona van Dijk joe bustillos Morton Fox Aaron Brazell David Prager
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