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Recording temp voiceover. I still sound like I'm from Iowa... or maybe I'm just a nerd. A little from column A, a little from column B
They're tearing out the ceiling at work. It looks like Brazil in there. I'll let you know if Archibald Tuttle crashes through a window.
How not to send an RMA. Today'
Right. OK, let's see a show of hands of everyone who DOESN'T think @Chris_Randall is a unrepentant gear whore.
@Moltz Oh, great. NOW you tell me.
WOW. 21 updates on twitter and mel jumps directly to Scortched Earth. Quick, everyone follow @melodik.
OMG. The school is letting my wife run the cash register at the book fair. Her parole officer is going to be PISSED.
The handful of default playlists at come up with Deep House, Techno and Dubstep. *sigh* Germans.
Another evening gone to the vulcan modulator.
@sokeri but you still have wifi. Tweeting this from my now dataless iPhone.
iPhone AT&T hack: add data plan ala carte, then cancel after one month. Just did it. It works. Then you have an iPod touch that is a phone.
@brandon_daniel Still no monstercase? That is torture.
So much fun was had with the vulcan modulator tonight. Three thumbs up.
@jamescigler HEY! That is MUCH better than my idea of white nail polish over my pupils. Thanks, twitter!
@Chris_Randall It isn't just the lead up to NAMM. It is the holidays. The travel. The personal stress. My wife's 40th birthday is Dec 26th.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Daniel T Jason Goldman Buzz Andersen Scott Fegette Dick Hardt Eric Costello wil wheaton Colin Schlüter caroline Manton Reece derek dukes enoch choi Scott Beale Tom Limongello Brittany Bohnet Kelly Abbott Jasmeet Jeffrey McManus fake mat honan Jonathan Brodsky Paul Hammond Robert Scoble Justin Hall Victor Cajiao Matthew Rothenberg Malarkey teh_real_chock joanne  mcneil Crystal Williams Don Nunn Dean Cameron Allen dvsjr
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