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Twitter is fun!
Single life sucks, but at least you can do what you want I guess.
Jack + Women = Lots of Fun!
@HeavyLeigh Don't look back, the future looks much better anways!
@gregoree AWWWW...Poor Greg!
@HeavyLeigh I wish I was a vampire too! Vampire's are so awesome and sexy too!
@gregoree Lucky!!! I wish I was there to play!!
I did horrible on my test today, hopefully I still have a job! Its ok though, because I'm going to hang out with my friend "jack" and go out
Got my hair cut, have tomorrow off, so tonight we take over the city!
Goodnight Laredo, keep it trashy!!!!!
@gregoree Hell ya he is!!!!
I hate how there is all these commercials for wedding rings!! But I love how it is 40 degrees!! :)
@gregoree LoL isn't he though... you are so gay
Laredo can be fun when you have a good friend who makes a great heterosexual life partner! LOL....I love driving around aimlessly!
@HeavyLeigh Thats no good, I hope you feel better!
@HeavyLeigh I think you really just have to go to the bathroom!!
Night cruel cruel world, I have to be up bright and early to work!
@TheIrishGuy mmmm....cheese is amazing!
@TheIrishGuy Thank you sir, I will do my best!
I made it back to hell safely everyone, don't worry! Love you guys, miss you already and can't wait to move back! Maybe even in a month!