christian crumlish’s Favorites

Jared M. Spool
jmspool Ok. Accepted the dozens of pending requests on BriteKite. Now I can ignore that site for another 7 months.
Sam Pullara
spullara my inbox is always completely read. if i don't reply it is because i have read the message and either deferred it or don't want to reply.
Elizabeth Bacon
ebacon Wondering about how morality fits into design practice...I'm thinking it's a central tenet of user-centered IxD
Josh Damon Williams
joshdamon @mediajunkie It'd be a great area for Y! to lead. I've only found 1 project via search, and it looks light:
Josh Damon Williams
joshdamon Open identity standard? Present. Open authorization standard? Present. Open reputation standard? Beuller?
Ryan Kennedy
rckenned if I look constipated it's because I'm trying to murder someone with my mind right now
charlene mcbride
ursonate Someone please kill the theremin guy.
iamfivestar Impulse ukulele purchase!
chromatic TX=unbearably hot OR cold, boring, ugly, & politically/socially atavistic. What's the appeal? I will not allow this place when I am emperor.
Sue Spolan
extrenergy still have not figured out what jesus would do
George Kelly
allaboutgeorge Back from barbershop. Made me happy to stroll in, nod toward a picture of the Obamas on a wall and ask the barber for "the full president."
Bill DeRouchey
billder Trying to pick out St. James Infirmary on the uke.
artisthowto “Polymer People: An Artist’s Method of Sculpting the Adult Head in Polymer Clay” eBook Sale Price $7.99
lukewdesign Flying from San Francisco to Calgary on a regional jet no less.
Barclay A. Dunn
kewpiedoll99 @mediajunkie apparently this is only one of several reasons you are too legit to quit
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly Dreamed last night that I was talking with Steve Ballmer about high level defections from Microsoft. He was crying.
Jeff Atwood
codinghorror ok so Pud of "F**ked Company" fame plays.. White Lion's When The Children Cry on guitar? huhwhathow?
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue The final copy editor Random House sent my book to sent a glowing note about how much she got out of reading it. Noice!
Greg Knauss
gknauss Boy, having always-on Internet in my pocket is sure helping with that ADD thing.
Greg Knauss
gknauss Things my iPhone has taught me: I am the greasiest man alive.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen Jason Shellen Chris Baum Maggie Mason davegray Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Ross Gordon om tedr Dave McClure Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dion Hinchcliffe Gene Scott Beale bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer deeje
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