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I'm super-stoked about Langerado Music Festival. Anyone else going?
@megmroberts tell me about it. my wife's student loans from Stetson Law are about 180,000
@phdbre which floppy? 3.5 or 5.25?
@megmroberts does that mean someone gets a pony?
@MelonCamp I love Bill Murray. One of my favorite all time actors
I am listening to the best hold music ever. I swear it's 80's glam rock covers, complete with some key-tar action! Whammy bar!!!!
did ya know that the Obama team is posting all lobbying requests they receive on-line? here's what the MPAA wants
@MelonCamp one of my favorite newer bands is a group called Murder By Death. They have a Cello in the band.
@phdbre I've still never taken a MBTI test
@hollyrhoffman well, my twitter handle is my last name, so it's understandable that I hear it.
@g_ro to be honest, Orlando has always rubbed me the wrong way. not sure why, though. although Ikea is awesome.
@hollyrhoffman wow. that's one hell of a blaze
the ability to delete DMs in Twitter is back! Hooray!
@JNez I had completely forgot about him, and that band in general. Good for him, they seemed like nice guys.
listening to Bloomberg radio makes me well versed, but incredibly depressed at the same time.
@jaywigley no, but maybe I should. my writing resembles James Joyce, minus the talent
Gotta love the folks over at XDA developers. I can tether my phone without paying AT&T another 30 bucks / month
@MelonCamp it's also difficult, since they don't say WHAT the money is spent on. i bet other countries spend it better than we do


Ben Casnocha Devin Reams Dani hotdogsladies Six Apart James Tenniswood Scott Simpson Gina Trapani Terry Starbucker Ashley Eckerle Adam Lisagor Jason Perry tommy why the lucky stiff John Dickerson Andre Blackman Geezeo Dan Schawbel Greg Rollett howtogeek AmyM Sharon Rosen Alaska Miller thirtydaes Jon Bishop jaredpolin Ainsley Drew Monica O'Brien Torey Maerz Holly Hoffman Rock for Hunger adbroad Ryan Paugh Justin Hsu Ryan Healy