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Will the government bail out The Bailey Building and Loan this year? I hear they need about $8,000.
@sjlz Except Christopher Walken's Zoran in VTAK. Lots of hair, so extra creepy.
OT Bears victory - yes!
Delayed at O'Hare again. Very crowded, yet not many people going to NYC. They are smarter than me.
Retweeting PRWeek - interesting survey on local grassroots papers' stability:
@LeeAase It's a balmy 12 F in Chicago. Heat wave!
Was going out to celebrate a big new business win tonight, but with an ice storm coming down, I'll settle for some deep dish delivery.
@SteveDahlShow But I'm glad u can "talk" here. U have an audience of over 1,000 already on Twittr, which is more than JackFM has this morn.
IL Gov. Blagojevich will be the FOURTH IL Gov to go to prison since the 1960s. Nice
Illinois Governor just arrested and taken into Federal custody!
David Gregory hosting MTP? Painful, but at least it's not Olberman.
Steve Dahl done at JackFM. Their loss and ours as well.
It's a Marshmello World in Chicago today.
@AlbertMaruggi I'll loan you mine for free, you just pay the FedEx charges
@stephstad call me more details on MediaQ...Jack 312-658-0600
@stephstad Please check out MediaQ. $9k / year, UNLIMITED clips from print,online,blogs,TV all in real-time!
@jeffpulver Hi Jeff. Any breakfast events happening in Chicago in the near future? Heard great things about your event in Minnesota.
2 yr old daughter saw Charlie Brown Thanksgiving for 1st time. Looked at me like, "is this ancient relic supposed to be entertaining?"
"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." - Arthur Big Guy Carlson, 1978


Brian Solis Starbucks Coffee Darth Vader Jeff Keni Pulver Conor Kilpatrick Lee Aase Katie Delahaye Paine The Associated Press Matt Drudge Mike Keliher John McCain PR Newswire Steve Shannon iFanboy Batman Mark Ragan Business Wire Paula Berg Albert Maruggi JAFlanagan Minnesota PR Burson-Marsteller Peter Himler IABC chuckhester leapfrog ceciliah DennyCrane David Jones garykoelling HistoricApAlert The Onion Rick Sauter Risdall Giftag Fleishman - Hillard