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Home in Jersey and napping before Thanksgiving Eve antics
Yay half day!
@stephstad how can you tell which are spambots?
r/t @mediabistro Tweetsgiving, a project to harness power of the social web to raise 10K for a classroom in Tanzania.
Why Obama should keep his blackberry (agreed):
Won a vicious game of "who can nab this barstool first?"
Any advice?
Ok, so I'm a professional reporter who has no problem putting word to paper (or Twitter!) but blogging terrifies me, though I want to do it.
If you want to discover who the great influencers and followers in your network are, just follow Mr. Tweet at
@Jillmz could just be the female!
@jillmz they're "social ads"; they appear based on (I think) keywords in your profile, etc.
I have a hard time getting out of bed if my dog is still sleeping! He's a bad influence.
Still love Genius, but questioning its smarts: a Don't Stop Believing playlist includes...Wrong Way by Sublime? Hm.
300 words away from completion, I want to scrap this whole story and start over!
But one more thing: got this dress today and love it! it has POCKETS!
Reorganized iTunes, ordered late night sushi. Can't think of any other ways to procrastinate, so might as well work?
@michaelturk Mac - but I think I have it figured out now! thanks!
Um, is there a way to have my music live on my external hard drive but still play in iTunes? I feel dumb right now...
Writing about video games for the rest of the forseeable future...and having my hand licked by my dog while writing? apparently?


Paul Terry Walhus Robert Scoble Rex Sorgatz Erick Erickson Kevin Rose Clive Thompson Stephen M. Nipper Micah Sifry Brad Wright Lockhart Steele Jerry Brito Kathleen Barack Obama Michael Arrington Caroline Robert Scoble Derek Tutschulte Garrett Graff Joe Biden Patrick Ruffini Leslie Bradshaw Cord Blomquist Andrew Flusche Brad Levinson Martin Schwimmer David All John Carney Tracy Russo Michael Turk Vinod Shankar Adam Conner Katie Harbath Wall Street Journal Rob Bluey Sam Weston
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