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Eyes opened by pieces on HDR photography and orgasmic childbirth in Salon tonight.
Miles' belief in Santa is absolute. Which is magical, but also makes me fear the day he sees through and questions our credibility.
Dear boss: Sorry, but you can't change survey questions willy nilly after collecting two years of data without destroying db integrity.
Sheesh. Caller from a nuclear power plant asks me whether an old friend might be subject to influence by bribes or coercion.
RT @buckyfuller "Don't fight forces, use them."
Web 2.0? More like Web 16.0 :
RT @brosner "Linux is illegal. This is a Windows world. Get over it. (seriously?)"
1/5 of world's coral reefs disappeared in the last 20 years, the rest on their way out . How will I explain this to Miles?
Today not feeling like I suck at Python after all. Yay.
@sasha Agree - Hacking the NYT API at a Berkeley Python UG meeting would be fun.
w00t! 6 mile bike ride to perio appt before 8 am, air like ice, blasting original "Hair" soundtrack. Energized.
Can't stop playing with WordPress 2.7 UI - they hit this one out of the park. And nothing broken (yet).
1st django-sf meetup was good. Like DjangoCon, but w/o free Odwallas. Andrew Badr of Disqus, Eric Flo, Leah Culver. Good 2 be @ Six Apart.
There's a baby grand for customers to play at the Virgin Megastore in SF, 3rd floor. It appears lonely.
Slamming food before 1st django-sf meetup. Slamming food is not healthy (or pleasant).
Bludgeoned about the head and shoulders by Python tonight. I suck.
If there was a contest for most boring Twitter feed on the internets, @berkeleybart would win hands down.
Phinneas J. Whoopie, you're a genius!
New York Times Developer Network -- NYT has public APIs and invites devs to mash-dance.


Evan Williams rabble Rael Dornfest veen danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin nanek Brian Oberkirch Liz Dunn Scott Beale Michael Buffington Dylan Tweney Milan Andric john curley Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Mark Frauenfelder Meg Hourihan MJ Tantek Çelik Bre Pettis Simon Willison Patrick Beeson Tom Coates Bobbie Johnson Andy Baio photomatt Robert Cadena Jeff Croft Steve Rhodes John Gruber
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