David Orban’s Favorites

zach Braiker
quiverandquill "Plans are worthless. Planning is essential." - Eisenhower quoted in @guykawasaki 's reality check, which i'm really diggin
torley "Racist!" said the robot to the CAPTCHA.
Dunphy The Internet of Things, Nice....or how to make an exciting topic dull, the French way
Michael Arrington
TechCrunch Have Three Days To Spare? Get The Entire TechCrunch50 Conference On BitTorrent
Xeni Jardin
xenijardin @blackhound, evangelical Christians opposed to "Large Hadron Collider" on faith grounds must have it confused w/the "Large Hardon Collider."
jowyang A sign of the times, in this 6 hour meeting, I've called for a "Twitter break" formerly a "bio break" formerly a "Smoke break"
ifindkarma Overheard in a bar: "Who would acquire you? Google?" "Doesn't matter who acquires us. In the end we ALL work for Google."
Victor Kotusenko
roxolanus Scenario similar to Georgia is being prepared in Ukrainian Crimea. Inhabitants of Sevastopol and other cities receive Russian passports.
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly Retweeting @mathowie: A bigger story than some small town mayor getting picked for VP is that Condoleezza must have said no.
Tom Reynolds
Reynolds being a good boy and actually writing down the ideas I have while laying in bed waiting to go asleep.
Christopher Adams
christopheradam If some people are too stupid to figure out your domain name... you will get a higher quality userbase.
Kirk McMurray
mcmurrak #Aljazeera is up next... I'm suspicious, as an evangelical #atheist, but I pride myself on at least trying to be open-minded
Ev's Keys
evskeys I think the true connective aspect of Twitter is the bonding we have through shared pain.
Paul Johnston
pjnet recording some blog posts with audacity - the software not the noun
Elizabeth Chuck
echuckles when you start receiving emails with "fellatio" in the subject line that *aren't* spam, it's time to start making some changes.
Ev's Keys
evskeys @ev Actually, me and the TV are working on an internet social messaging service for objects only called "klutter". Top secret, though.
Joi Ito
Joi Retweeting @jbohlinger: My arms hurt today from starting this - Just started this myself
Mike Butcher
mbites Todays pointless PR call. "Hi I'm Unintelligible from Unintelligible PR. Have you heard about Big Story which is all over the Web? Yes? Oh."
David Orban
davidorban "It is possible to build a culture around optimism" - Eric Schmidt, Google
j grenzfurthner
johannes_mono "Drugs have taught an entire generation of Americans the metric system." (P. J. O'Rourke)


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