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Classic - bush gets shoe'd in iraq -
WiiKey hack attempted again-second try success. Finally playing backup copies of my scratched up and broken originals. Excite truck again.
Blagojevich - say it 10 times really fast. When are they going to grab their torches and pitchforks and drag this guy from office?
Things just seem better when they are on a stick (balloons, hot dogs, poop, etc.)
Wow, Jon Stewart's interview of Mike Huckabee was excellent - he made some great points on how lame the arguments against gay marriage are.
@fedhat yeah, I'd like to build one of those tesla towers in my backyard ;) - Took my wii apart for surgery (wiikey). Kids will be annoyed if the patient dies on table :( - I kind of see his noodliness in this photo
To the jerky British bloke and his girlie making out the whole overcrowded train ride home- I hope you choke on her tongue, u ass - Crazy, gridlock/stampede in Penn station tonite
Someone said to me this morning: "Have a great holiday". Does that mean there's a war on Thanksgiving too? Please inform Bill O'Reilly.
Nothing says douchebag quite like walking around all day and night with a bluetooth headset installed in your ear, dont you think?
Having some battery/sleep issues on my new MBP - I see others are as well:
@mpodrazik next, try some ultravox on him
man, the battery life of these new macbook pro's really *sucks*. It's like an hour and a half. WTF? is that normal?
@tobrien that wouldn't happen if Ron Paul were president.
Beware of the falling dow - My local fortunoff's train display is getting smaller every year
Practicing my soldering skills by putting together a minipov kit


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