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<-- Sowing seeds, not sure if they will sprout...
@slagyr So if I understand you correctly 100 LOC = 100, 200 LOC = 80, 400 LOC = 60, is that correct? give or take
can feel a blog post about code Testing/Craftsmanship/Sparring bubbling up, probably take a week to get to it though...
@sneakin makes sense once you look at implementation, but not 'least surprise' IMHO, made me frustrated once, got over it (with therapy)
@sneakin rescue only catches StandardError and descendants... I guess someone decided time outs aren't 'standard'... *shrug*
@sneakin I've been that guy. rescue by itself won't 'rescue' everything, you have to specify the Timeout or one of its ancestors.
@hadleysoffe That looks like a hard equation to solve...
@slagyr does it count comments and newlines? How do you get a 0-100 score? is 100 zero lines?
@adamhjk ..situations where it would be really nice to set 'as_much_as_it_takes = true' and walk away. (of course no one can really do that)
@adamhjk When the auto-scaling timescale becomes more responsive, does that change the argument? Also, there are certain capacity...
@markimbriaco it's one of those nights... :/
@slagyr How did you compute 'simplicity' on the battleship code?
♲ @bradwilson: The function of a car salesman is to use information asymmetry to introduce inefficiencies into the market.
RT @shinzui: Although it's immature today, Ruby will soon emerge as a principal toolset in next-generation IT solutions.
@mndoci check out the poolpartyrb project (Puppet is the provisioning core) I'm hoping to do a Puppet/EC2 demo at
@botchagalupe Puppet is based on resource abstraction, for that we probably just need reality abstraction, we'll write it in LISP
<- was channeling his inner yoda last tweet
@botchagalupe Rockin' the Meat Cloud metaphor is his blog, very nice... Now if we can automate middle managers...
@chadfowler +1 I just read 'A Man Without a Country'
@gnupate VeloSLC, what did you guys plan so far?


Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Dave McClure Tim Kersey Jared Hanson freiheit Jason Calacanis lane Aaron Huslage Thor Muller James Turnbull brady forrest nakedjen Simone Brunozzi Chris Brogan Graeme Mathieson Matt Biddulph Edd Dumbill Robert Scoble Phil Wolff Jesse Newland Justin Hall merci Alex Payne Duncan Gough Adrian Howard Peter Cooper Terry Jones Ambrosia Obie Jeremy Stell-Smith cote ǝɹooɯ ǝʞıɯ slack James Governor alexis richardson
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