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Time for some coffee, I think. Not doing very well today.
A cloudless morning. Grandson coughing. E is telling us her weird dream. And Jake wants to send a tweet.
That's it. Enough for the day. Off to bed!
@davidhenderson What you need is a dose of John Rutter!
Fascinating article in Financial Times about world government:
2 mtgs 2day: with Mike Gapes MP abt sitn of Baha'is in Iran; and at Equality and Human Rights Commission about UK govt's new Equality Bill
@davidhenderson I look forward to giving it a try. Thanks!
On my way to Equality & Human Rights Commission for Religion & Belief Gp meeting with govt minister
Heading into London for reception at British Museum. Guest of honour is Nobel Prize winning Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi
@davidhenderson Thanks for your comments, David. most Thesis blogs look similar, which must mean it's not too easy to change
@Anchormast That's helpful to know, Tess. I keep considering using Thesis - I like the look - but I would like a distinctive look
@davidhenderson The Thesis website shows some interesting customizations. Is it more difficult that one might expect?
Took E to the hospital this a.m. to have mole removed. Nothing done, so back home to work. London for reception at British Museum this eve.
@davidhenderson I'm very happy with the cloud my son uses (and on which I have lots of space) but then I'm only hosting 4 active blogs.
Up and read for another day's consultation around the NSA table. Both our counsellors with us this time.
@Anchormast Glad to hear it went well.
@Anchormast It went very smoothly for me. Best of luck!
In the midst of Saturday's NSA consultation
NSA session over for tonight. Bed soon, and then consultation all Saturday.
NSA meeting now beginning


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