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@mathewi they call Sam Zell "grave dancer." Perhaps jumping the bankruptcy gun is a prelude to a magic trick. quality key in supply/demand
@donlemoncnn think we'll see more sit-ins like Republic Windows and Doors in the coming weeks? Thx for your good coverage:
@lucindamichele I hope to read a skewering of your asshole neighbor in an upcoming @LAMetblogs post. If not in the police blotter. That sux
@whatevrnvrmind how was friendly fires? Is it up on Buzznet yet? Contemplating Spaceland tonight. The record sure is nice.
@RuddockMH I'm still on 167. Is 190 safe? Great news on viigo, will grab now. ETA on over-the-air podcasts via viigo? V. Excited for this from Los Angeles, CA: checking out Where GPS Twitter for Blackberry Bold. *test*
@mvermut have u loaded many apps onto Bold? I use vlingo, viigo, GTalk, APNews, Qik, flickr. Alas one of these may be source of crashiness
Trying to say #cupcakecamp 5 times straight but can't -- even without the hashtag. I want to see photos / vid tho! @mager livestream?
RT @Suntimes: Woah .... possible Tribune Co bankruptcy *shrug*
Is a less buggy OS coming for BB Bold? The regular crashes and 6 minute reboots are killing me. Anyone else suffering?
innovation: 1)must ensure net neutrality b4 investing in innovation/infrastructure/govt incentives 2)
concensus for action: 1) make internet a public utility, distant 2) gov't reform 3) education #ife
Off to #IFE Internet for everyone interactive town hall. Will miss #HHill, #time4wine but will represent ur ideas and Q's. Bring em on!
Nice to see nic and everyone @theroxy. Now to Seven Grand. Hoping it's not packed. Dey got jackalopes dere! Who's downtown? Hit me!
I am happy to be the boy dragged to boring Keane show. I love the music u hate, after all. But why the 2 casios? I will catch @redwell i ......
going to InternetForEveryone town hall tomorrow near USC. RU? Let's help shape the future of internet policy http://internetforeveryone....
@docwho76 got it, thanks. change is good. i can be patient for 2.7 i like upgrayyyds.
any update on Wordpress 2.7? I thought it was to be released last night? Not talking about the Release Candidate, but the real deal. *antsy*
I just 'wagged about @lalawag: Celebrating @redwell's birthday at cafe was. Brown bagged flasks are on the menu. The xmas tree is on the ceiling.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Brad Barrish om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Derek Gathright michael lambie Scott Beale Tom Limongello Jorge Mir Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola mdy Jennifer Woodard M Jason Fields Justine Japhy Grant Megan McCarthy Joe Crawford Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Brian Conley Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Beth Kanter
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