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I've backed the paper up three different ways, I should be safe. Good night!
The paper is done! If Ihave time I'll read through tomorrow, but it should be ready. It's 57 pages (47 actual paper) with 80 sources.
BTW Bean is a great open-source editing progam for mac
when snow leopard comes out I'm totally reformatting my HD and starting over.
@bolig downloaded it again, going to give it another shot (after Iturn this in!).
@fellowdreamer you do rule, no question about that.
@bolig I've tried, does work the way I need it to for stuff like this.
@fellowdreamer since when were you promoted to management?
@themadlibs either way, will you give him a nice jab in the side for me.
@themadlibs - are you with him right now?
I don't really have any good reason why I exported my paper from pages to MS Word, other than that I momentarily lost my mind(it's possible)
I hate you MSWord.
otaku: young people who are highly skilled in or obsessed with computer technology to the detriment of their social skills. @fernandogros
@aliciakennedy interesting observation, that may be true for me as well.
I wish I had this with me right now
@themadlibs I made a vow to never answer questions with the words wiki-schticki in them.
The Wifi at Peets wasn't working today, which was really good for me even though I was sad to not be on twitter!


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