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What is another word for teenager?
@mooshinindy did you let Moosh play with the chainsaw again?
Thank you GOD they did not blow it.
@QueenofSpain That is why my husband is cussing like a crazy person
IU is sucking it up right now
Had an amazing job interview today. I hope they were as impressed with me as I was with them.
It is not even 8 yet and I am ready for bed
@sugarmommy ITA makes my head hurt worse trying to get the freaking med out
@ShameleslySassy "high fives" I hope this was an oral and not a visual... wait either might not be good.
6 yr old just said to me " Whats cookin good lookin" I don't know if I should be flattered or appalled.
@DadGoneMad Unless he made that statement while crossing checking someone in the back without a helmet on I do not see the point.
@designhermomma whatever you have to tell yourself ;)
why must my dog stand infront of the space heater and then fart?


Maggie Mason Lisa Busy Mom the Domestic Diva Allison Barton Erika Jurney Kristin Kinsey Tris Hussey David Binkowski Chelsea Moser Mignon Fogarty Mighty Mommy Schmutzie Amy Makice Mrs. Mogul Danny Evans Darren Rowse Wendy Piersall Meredith Jenn Satterwhite Grace Davis Catherine Connors Stefania P. Butler charlene prince birk Elizabeth Chris Miss Britt Gayla McCord Velma Smeddling Cursing Mama Carol Pyles Jill Asher Marilyn Leanna Jansen MIchelle Hartman Amy aka Knitnmom
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