Training Budgets: Agency Budget Reductions in Response to the Balanced Budget Act

GGD-86-98BR July 16, 1986
Full Report (PDF, 28 pages)  


GAO summarized the results of federal agency responses to questions regarding their training and executive development programs in the public and private sector. GAO also examined the impact of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 on the agencies' budgets for civilian employee training.

GAO found that: (1) 66 agencies responded to the inquiry; (2) many agencies could not provide a breakdown of budget data for civilian and military employees; (3) 15 of the 19 large agencies, 12 of the 20 mid-size agencies, and 15 of the 27 small agencies reported training reductions ranging from 4.3 percent to more than 50 percent; and (4) further analysis of whether the reductions are significant enough to warrant additional guidance by oversight agencies may be needed.