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Clearly Maru the Cat deserves his own webcam.
@shazron What do you know? Our company has denied us access to
I'm SO procrastinating right now. Having easy Internet access is EVIL.
Hot water is busted. It's going to be a freezing cold morning.
The longer I blog and tweet, the more I value the precious private moments in my life.
Obama now speaks to me when I'm driving. LOL. I'm a good listener.
I picked up Obama's "Dreams from My Father". He does diff voices for diff characters; does an slight accent for his dad.
We definitely have a Canon fan club at work. If u knew where we worked, it's pretty hilarious.
Active discussion on the merits of the Canon SD880. -ve feedback about G9 from someone who used it on their vacation.
@shazron Oh make me jealous why don't you!
Apparently I don't watch enough movies! Score = 30%
I'm the baking equivalent of Santa Claus, spreading the joy with butter tarts.
Not looking forward to this morning's commute up and down hills of black ice.
Finished clearing the snow off the driveway under an hour. Snow is dry and powdery, not the usual wet stuff we get.
Many tears will be shed when my hero retires his number.
There's a place and time 4 finger-pointing. Right now, the UAW and Congress have 2 sit down n talk this thru like civilized human beings.
Brain: I haz to Twitter! Me: See what you made me do? I pressed Enter before I finished the tweet.


Nep (Travis) Anil Dash Cecily mrbrown Darth Vader Gina Trapani Wil Wheaton Jason Kottke Darren Barefoot Ryland Haggis Serious Eats Lori David Hewlett Adam Roberts CBC News Lisa Bettany Maggie Hussein Riley davidlebovitz NSI - Canada TiddlyWiki lifebeginsat30 43 Folders Shazron Abdullah The Moment Karen Hamilton Shon Bacon Julie Roads Anderson Cooper Owen Lightly edlevine Mr Tweet