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gambling big and buying nonreturnables from etsy for my fam. Threw in a print from Raleigh's plasticflame for myself
Watching "A history of violence" after eating a chicken.
@uxninja it's been so long, I can't remember the type. If you go that route, see if the dealer will throw in a pillow though. It rocks.
@rebatilley let me know when you get a good sushi recommendation. I'm also hunting for a rockin' dim sum place.
@uxninja I love tempurpedic. Most people either love or hate 'em. No middle ground. Not to be morose, but they let you sleep like the dead.
Scored many candles from Linens n Things GOoB sale. Its like a Kenny G video up in here. All this domestication makes we want to watch UFC
Picked up some 'shine for a holiday dinner with @ganishbar
watching a DJ Shadow dvd, mesmerized and wishing I knew how to spin.
new blog post: 9 things you should consider when implementing user-rated content.
rev to last post: gdocs rocks when other people are *not* editing it concurrently..and when the doc is <512k. Gdoc failwhale is a buzzkill.
I love gdocs about as much as I hate it. Collab editing is amazingly great, except when other people don't have their mitts in the doc.
@l_k_b some chowdah will keep ya warm.
Facetmap doesn't accept floats for spectrum values? The javadoc seems to say it doesn't. Bummer. Price (as a float) is a valid facet, IMO.
Heading to Helios to do some work.
scored 2 Sedaris tix - center orchestra. Who wants to go?
buying tix for dave sedaris in april at dpac
@smalljones technically, tweeting means you're not doing work. But I like how the volume of tweets vs work asymptotically approaches zero
@benrequena #sxsw09 gold ticket FTW. Capstrat has two talks: Love in the Cloud & Who Will Check My Email When I Die.
attempting to redeem my free SXSW09 presenter coupon. Very challenging, made harder by 3 Stellas.
@rebatilley thanks. I circled back on axure and am liking it more this time around.


peterme Steven Keith Victor Lombardi Jackson Fox Mike Rundle Kevin Cheng Paul Jones Ben Requena Jess McMullin Adaptive Path virginia ingram Kipp Bodnar Beck Tench (10ch) Jim Coudal Peter Morville Jason Kottke Kevin Kelly Andy Beal Jake Kitchener Heather Hesketh NewRaleigh Carolyn Hack Social Carolina Jenny Holzer James Gartrell Brian Wynne Williams harvest BarCampRDU abecrystal Jess Martin Sean Greene hashtags Jeff Tippett Mark Imbriaco Greg de Lima Rhett