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busy next 24 hours or so! I'm @ Royal Mail Hotel in Goodna 3-6 then Crazy Horse Surfers Paradise tonight then Sat private party 11am-5pm! :D
rumble rumble flash... #storm heading my way - north gold coast. i had a feeling today might attract one later.. LOL! no surprise for me.
fuuuuck (pardon the language but it's justified)... it's HOOOOOT!!!! looks like it might rain later.. (or so i hope to cool down)...
(@JaimieH said) Santa twittle helper for @tudiabetes is up to $318.12 Anyone need a santa hat?
(@gcpets said) Do I need the "white space" in between the client/pet/comment or not ? What do you think ? #HELP
(@successmastery said) Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eyes off your goals! ~Henry Ford.
@ELROSS bwhahahahaha!!!!! or they will just transfer the balance to a new card every 6 months =P =P
I've lost the twitter-er who posted it .. thank you anyway - awesome clip + song @ #laugh #humour
@jakrose Exploitation of non-Westernized cultures + advertising stunt spreading the impure seed. thumbs down from me.
@SamFefer i'm guessing they made up that word JUST because the debt is so huge. How the hell is the USAgoing to repay that debt? :-S
Reading: - I totally agree about the Twitter and Facebook ettiquettes. I use FB for personal not work. ... bring on the "report spam" button! instead i just block them. been alot of blocking lately....
making a list .. *thinking: "What do i need to be a successful adult entertainment agency .. agent?"*
@shawnfarner it's like The Sims for me: addictive. Great way to waste time if I have time to waste (or to procrastinate - haha!)...
@Rhun thank you David :) hope this holiday season brings you lots of joy and the new year is prosperious for you :)
@shawnfarner ..and exactly the real reason why i won't play with real money too! havn't played FB poker in ages...
(@gcpets said) YouTube video with a message for all pet owners.. Simon's Sister's Dog #humour #rspca #dog
(@gcpets said) Pardon my "brain fart" in re last tweet... try again won't we? hahaha!
I just came across this.. Shorty Awards .. interesting Anyone want to be nominated? #awards


Brian Walsh Wayne Sutton Mr Messina Jonathan Greene Antonio Edward thomasknoll Dan Patterson Jason Calacanis Wilson Minger Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan drew olanoff Bill Palmer Nic Hodges Michael Newby Robert Scoble that grum guy! ben barren Stephen Collins giovanni Busy Mom Loui Zoot unknownX2 Michael dotBen Mario Menti Peter Wells Frank Arrigo Condoleezza Rice Melissa Gira Grant Dan Eggan arroba Cal Wilson ManiacD Brad Kellett
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